Thursday, 8 September 2011

Every Groaning Contains The Seed of Glory

The starting point to making your dream come true is realising that success is not achieved on a platter of silver. You work to achieve your goal. You take it upon yourself to doing all that is necessary to arrive at your success destination.
To expect success without making any effort towards achieving it is mere wishful thinking. A person wishing to become a soccer super star, but is not willing to undergo the rigorous physical and mental training involved, may never become one. Wishing alone will not make you great. An English proverb says: “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.”
The difference between the super achiever and the underachiever is that the super achiever does not just “wish;” he goes out to make the necessary sacrifice required to achieving his goal. The under achiever, on the other hand, keeps expecting to attain greatness, but is not willing to make the necessary sacrifice to become what he wishes to become.
Unfortunately, this is the mentality of most people in every land and clime. We expect to be paid more than we are inputting. We have little knowledge and experience, but we expect to be paid handsomely for that little knowledge and experience of ours. We wish to become successful professionals, doctor, lawyer, engineer, teacher, journalist, athlete, etc, but we don’t want to undergo thorough training. No wonder, we have many quacks in various fields of human endeavour today.
See, you cannot reap where you did not sow. To expect greatness without working for it is tantamount to reaping without sowing. There is no greater deception than that.
The path to glory is groaning. A successful Nigerian lawyer, while advising two law students on chamber attachment said that one can study law in poverty, but one cannot practise law in poverty.
The same thing applies to every pursuit in life.
Whatever your pursuit in life, you must be ready to undergo hardship, discomfort, and stress. These are the groaning you must undergo to be crowned with glory. Benjamin Franklin said: “No man was ever glorious who was not laborious.”
Dear reader, your glory is in your groaning. If you desire glory, don’t expect something for nothing. If you think of glory, consider groaning also, because you cannot enjoy a glorious life without first tasting of the groaning that leads to the glory.
Yes, you can make massive impact on earth. You can get what you want. You can attain the height you set for yourself, if and only if, you are ready to do all that is necessary to take you to that height.
Truly, the path to glory is filled with thorns and thistles which may cause you to groan, but the joy and the beauty of it all is that every groaning you undergo contain a seed of glory.
Are you willing to tread the path that leads to glory?