Monday, 21 January 2013

No Menial Jobs, Only Menial Minds

Success is in the man, not in the job he does. It is not the job you do that makes you great; it is the quality of greatness in you which you bring to bear in your work place that makes you great.
It is not the wealth in the job that makes you wealthy; it is the “power to get wealth” which God gives to you and which you deploy that makes you wealthy.
History is replete with many people who achieved outstanding success doing jobs considered by many as “menial jobs.” But the truth is: THERE ARE NO MENIAL JOBS; THERE ARE ONLY MENIAL MINDS.
Years ago, Success Digest, a wealth empowerment business newspaper published in Nigeria, featured the story of a man who became a millionaire selling olive oil (“anointing oil”).
The man discovered that olive oil is a product his fellow church members and other churches need constantly. He became interested in it and took it very serious. From retailing, he gradually worked his way up to become a big distributor.
His breakthrough came after he struck a deal with a foreign manufacturer of the product to become their agent/distributor in Nigeria.
This success story is recorded in a country where selling is regarded as “menial.” The fact is, opinions do not change the truth. If a person can become a millionaire selling one line of product - olive oil- can we still maintain that it is a menial job?
It is our thinking that makes the job menial. There are no menial jobs. THOSE WHO CANNOT DO A PARTICULAR JOB SHOULD NOT DISCOURAGE OTHERS WHO WANT TO DO IT.
Don’t Look Down on Jobs
If you want to achieve massive success in life, do not look down on any job. IF YOU LOOK DOWN ON A JOB, THE JOB WOULD LOOK DOWN ON YOU.
Sometime ago, Success Digest featured the story of a man who ventured into “shit business” (waste collection and disposal business). But his venture into this business did not go down well with people who knew him (though these people would not give him a “better job” or give him money to establish another business).
The man turned his back against them and endured the taunting. With patience and perseverance, he excelled in the “shit business.” He later became a millionaire and an international figure.
The man narrated that after he became successful, a woman, one of the people that repeatedly taunted him, started coming to him to beg for money to pay her children’s school fees!
Dear reader, IF YOU LOOK DOWN ON A JOB, THE JOB WILL LOOK DOWN ON YOU. You may not like a job, fine. You may also not like the man behind the job, fine. But why not allow the man to do his own job?
Do not use your tongue to pull down those who are working and striving to make it work. A LOOSE TONGUE IS A MARK OF A LOSER. Don’t be a loser; be a winner. Use your tongue to build and not to destroy.
Do a Common thing in an Uncommon Way
When you do a common thing in an uncommon way, you become an uncommon person. Essentially, this is what always separates winners from losers. Winners do common things in an uncommon way. Winners turn around what people see as “ordinary” and make it extraordinary.
The job you are doing does not matter provided it is legitimate. IT IS NOT THE JOB, BUT THE MAN BEHIND THE JOB THAT MATTERS. How are you doing your job? Are you doing it in an uncommon way?
If you want to make a difference in your job, do your job differently. Don’t do things because you see others doing them. Be original. Be unique. Let your work stand out from those of others. WHEN YOU DO YOUR WORK IN AN UNCOMMON WAY, YOUR WORK WILL DISTINGUISH YOU AND CHANGE YOUR FORTUNE.
Do What Successful People Do
One great way to succeed in life is to do what successful people are doing and are making it. The problem with us is not that we don’t know the right thing to do to succeed. Our problem generally is that we find it difficult doing those things we ought to do to make progress in life.             
If we want to succeed like the rich, we should be willing to learn from them. It is not just a question of copying their lifestyle and doing the same job they do; it is a question of putting into practice the same principles they used to achieve greatness.
Dear reader, let me round off now by saying that greatness is in you and not in any job, business, vocation or profession. The fact that you are engaged in a particular business, vocation or profession does not make you great.
What makes a person great is the quality of greatness within the person. All you need do to become great in life is to bring to bear the quality of greatness in you into any business, vocation, profession or activity you are engaged in.
Don’t take the work you are doing for granted and don’t look down on any job. Anything your hands find to do, do it with all your might because in the final analysis, it is the quality of greatness in you which you bring to bear in your work that makes you victorious life!  

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