Monday, 15 December 2014

Christmas Bonanza!

 Peace and goodwill to you all. Christmas is around the corner and as usual, we are bringing you great offers! We are wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

One way of showing our appreciation to you for staying glued to this blog is to bring down the prices of our products to enable you grab as many copies as you want.
If you have been visiting this blog for quite some time now, you would realize that we have a penchant for quality. You won’t find a trash on this blog. Never!
And just as you can’t find a trash on this blog, you can’t also find poor products on this blog. Quality remains our watchword. And this Christmas period, we are giving you ample opportunity to order our products at rock bottom prices.
For each product you order, you pay only N1,000! And what’s more? Each of our e-books is backed with iron-clad money back guarantee! If after 30 days, you are not satisfied with any of our product, do let us know. We will refund your money. No hassle! But make sure you delete from your computer/laptop our e-book(s) that you ordered from us, which you are not satisfied.
Now, below are our e-books and their codes: 
  •  HOW TO BE SELF EMPLOYED – Practical, Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers (Vol. 1) – A1
  •  HOW TO BE SELF EMPLOYED – Practical, Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers (Vol. 2) – A2
  • How to Register Your Business Name and Run Your Business within the Ambit of the Law – B1 (1)
  • How to Incorporate and Run Your Organisation Within the Ambit of the Law – B1 (2)
  • PARABLE OF THE PENCIL – An Exposition of God’s Principles for Prosperity and Fulfilment – Code: B1 (3)
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  •  How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Real Estate Agency Business – Code: B2 (6)
  •  Write for Cash – Guide to Lucrative Online Freelance Writing. Code: B2 (7)
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  • SHAREHOLDER’S COMPANION – An Elucidation of the Legal Rights and Liabilities of a Company Shareholder Code: B3 (2)
  •  How a Blog Can Help You Grow Your Professional Practice Code: B3 (3)
  • Affiliate Marketing Goldmine! – Discover the Secret of Success in Affiliate Marketing. Code: B3 (4)
  •  How to Write, Package and Sell Information Products for High Profits. Code: B3 (5)
  • Copywriting Made Easy! How to Write Compelling Sales Copy that Drives Prospects to Order Your Products. Code: B3 (7)
  • How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums. Code: B3 (8)
  • Where to Buy Land in Nigeria and How to Avoid Acquisition of Defective Title. Code: B3 (9)

How to Order
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Account Number: 2015569824
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On confirmation of your payment, your order will be sent to your mailbox where you will download or print out and read.  
PS: this Independence Bonanza runs for three weeks after which the bonanza price reverts to the normal prices. The bonanza will lapse after December 31, 2015.
Announcing CFVL Manuals
This is to inform you that hard copies of all our e-books are now available. If you prefer hardcopies to soft copies, then, you can come to our office. However, you will have to pay for the printing cost. So, the price of each manual, including the printing cost, is N2,000. Come to our office and obtain as many copies as you want. Once again, CFVL wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. 

Monday, 8 December 2014

Why It Doesn’t Make Sense to Be Pessimistic (3)

Welcome to part 3 of this article. In part 1, we discussed the first leg of the principle of sowing and reaping, which borders on planting/investing as a prerequisite for high Returns on Investments (ROI). In part 2, we discussed the second leg of the principle of sowing and reaping, which borders on planting/investing on a fertile soil and remaining planted there for the long haul.
To read part 1 & 2 of the article, click the following links:
A.  PART 1

B.  PART 2

Now, here in this final part of the article, we are discussing the third leg of the principle of sowing and reaping, which borders on tending your plant.
Tending Your Plant
It is not enough to plant/invest on a fertile soil; it is also important that you tend what you plant/invest. Every successful farmer knows that planting on a fertile soil alone does not guarantee bumper harvest. What guarantees bumper harvest is tending the crops you have planted.
If all a farmer needs do to succeed is to plant his crops and go to sleep until the crops are matured before he comes to harvest them, every farmer would be successful and many more people will want to venture into farming.
At the beginning of every winter or rainy season, it is easier for every farmer to plant, but it is not easy for every farmer to tend his plants. As the plants grow, they grow alongside weeds and pests. To ensure bumper harvest, it is the responsibility of the farmer to control both weeds and the pests.
What separates a successful farmer from the unsuccessful one is his ability to control the weeds and pests that are struggling to choke and destroy the plants.
Dear reader, you may not be a farmer, but the fact is: there are vital lessons you can learn from the analogy of the farmer and his crop planting activities. It is not enough to establish a business, trade or vocation. It is also important that you manage your business effectively.
As your business grows, there are “weeds and pests” that will grow alongside your business. It is your responsibility to control the weeds and pests. “Weeds and pests” represent all the things that can outgrow your business and choke it up. The lists of weeds and pests that can destroy your business are inexhaustible. Most of them are so tiny that at the moment they look harmless, but at the end of the day, they will turn out to be the “little foxes that destroy the vines.”
In his book, WALKING IN FINANCIAL FREEDOM, Engineer (Pastor) Samson Makinwa narrated the story of a doctor who started his clinic from a small apartment. Within a short time, he had moved into a flat. His medical practice was growing fast. He bought several cars and he was living fine.
But there were “weeds and pests” that were growing with his fast growing hospital, which he had been overlooking. The doctor had an uncontrollable sexual appetite. He used to sleep with his female employees. He equally used to sleep with the patients in his hospital and in return, he would cancel their medical bills.
These patients would also go and tell their female friends how nice the doctor was. The doctor would treat them and they would say they didn’t have the money to pay their bills. The doctor would sleep with them and cancel their debts. These “weeds and pests” continued to choke the doctor’s hospital until he sold off his cars and other assets and returned to square one.       
There is a great lesson to learn here. To this doctor, those medical bills meant little to him. If he traded the medical bills for endless rounds of sexual pleasure, they would not affect his business.
But he was wrong! Unknown to him, the “weeds and pests” were even growing faster than his hospital. His insatiable sexual appetites were the weeds and pests that chocked his fast growing hospital.
Devising a Strategy for Business Success
Dear friend, there is no assurance of success, if you don’t tend your plant (manage your business). A successful farmer does not joke with the weeds and pests that are growing with his plants. He knows that if he allowed them, they would choke up his plants and he would have little or nothing to harvest that year.
In order to ensure bumper harvest, the farmer would devise strategy for controlling the weeds and pests. It is either he goes for herbicides and pesticides or he employs farm labourers or himself to clear the weeds that are growing with his plants. And once the weeds are cleared, the chances of the pests growing and multiplying are reduced to the barest minimum.
What strategy are you devising to control the “weeds and pests” that are growing with your business? The fact is: if you overlook the “weeds and pests,” they would run down your business. They would not stop growing as long as your business is growing. They may appear insignificant at the moment, but if you overlook them, they will destroy your business.
The bane of many of us is laziness. After setting up our business, we become complacent. We feel there is no other thing to do anymore. We fail to realize that the task of managing our business is on us. We all know that we must promote, market and manage our business, but we are doing little or nothing about it.
Proverbs 12:27 says: “The slothful man roasteth not that which he took in hunting: but the substance of a diligent man is precious.” The weed of laziness is a killer of businesses. Businesses are not for lazy people. If you are not willing to work and manage your business, you may end up running down your business.
Starting from staff punctuality, production, financing, sales and marketing, accounting, through to customer service, there must be effective supervision and proper management.
When a problem comes up, how long does it take you to solve it? Where necessary, do you consult experts to get the problem solved? Management is fundamental to the success of your business just as control of weeds and pests are fundamental to the success of every farmer.
Finally, when it comes to sowing and reaping, it doesn’t make sense to be pessimistic about it. When you sow, you reap what you sow. It all depends on your effort and perseverance.
Note also that it is not enough to sow; you must sow in a fertile soil, and you must equally tend your plants. And when applying this principle in our business, we should establish a business which we have confirmed that it is lucrative. We should also effectively manage our business.
Until I come your way soon, I urge you to be optimistic and go out to sow your seed on fertile soil. And as you tend your plant, you will surely reap bumper harvest in the end.


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