Sunday, 9 October 2011

Triumph of the Indomitable: The Coscharis Inspiration

In a world where most people remain at the lowest rung of the ladder because of the flimsy excuse of lack of capital, the super achievers are bracing the odds and climbing the ladder to the pinnacle of success, using the very little at their disposal.
I bring to you today one Nigerian who has demonstrated practically that anyone can rise from any seemingly worst situation to become a super successful person, provided such a person is determined to fight his way through.
He is no other person than Dr. Cosmas Maduka, the Chief Executive Officer of Coscharis Motors Group, a conglomerate with over 15 billion naira in shareholders’ fund.
Cosmas began life as an apprentice with the aim of becoming an auto parts dealer. The beauty of the apprenticeship agreement is that on completion of the apprenticeship, apprentices were rewarded with hundreds of thousands of naira. This enables them to take off their auto parts business on a sound note.
However, when Cosmas completed his apprenticeship, he was given only #200 (two hundred naira).
It was a big blow, a big disappointment. What could #200 naira do? Well, instead of throwing his hands up in despair and quit, he boldly decided to launch his auto parts business with the #200.
Within six months, he was able to grow his capital to the point of renting his own shop.
His transaction with Leventis Motors (the giant in the automobile business at that time), fired his vision of the type of enterprise he hoped to build.
He caught the vision, held on to it, kept working hard towards actualising the vision. Today, he sits atop Coscharis Group of companies.
With just #200, Cosmas started a one-man auto parts business and turned it into a large conglomerate!
How did he manage to accomplish this feat and how can you apply the same technique to achieve your own goal in life?
Learn the Rope
The major step you need to take in order to accomplish great things in life is to learn and study to become an authority in your area of pursuit. Anything worth doing is worth doing well.
Once you have identified your specialty or area of interest, endeavour to give it all you have got. Humble yourself to learn the rope. Go for the necessary training. The reason we have many quacks in various fields of human endeavour is that people are impatient. They are not patient enough to complete or undergo thorough training. Cosmas began as an apprentice and took time to learn all he needed to know about auto parts trade. He knew everything about auto parts business like the back of his hands, and this gave him the leverage.
To aspire to greater height in your chosen field, you must learn and keep learning. Master all you need to know. Don’t be a quack, be a professional. Be competent so that you can be relevant in your field.
Become indomitable
Chris Kwakpovwe, the writer and publisher of the devotional booklet: Our Daily Manna said: “The same adversity that causes some people to break down causes others to break record.”
In life, the unexpected happens often, but how do you react to it?
Your ability to handle disappointment, despair, and discouragement is the determining factor for your success in life. In times of adversity, some people chose to remain on wheel chair or take to crutches; while others develop wings.
Marshal Foch said: “There are no hopeless situations. There are only men and women who have grown hopeless about them.”
After completing his apprenticeship, Cosmas was paid only #200 instead of hundreds of thousands of naira. Though disappointed, he refused to break down. Instead of using the disappointment as an excuse for his failure in life, he rose from the ashes of disappointment and worked his way gradually into greatness.
You need strength to become indomitable. That strength is your determination. Resolve that regardless of any circumstances, you will work your way to the top. A man who is determined to succeed is indomitable. He is ready to confront anything that stands on his way to success, and he is ready to do all that is necessary to guarantee his success.
Be a Man of Vision
A man of vision is a person who sees what others cannot see. Learn to see opportunities in every situation no matter how ugly it may be. Be an optimist. Sir Winston Churchill said: “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
In any situation, there are opportunities. It is these opportunities that you should be looking for.
In their book, From Trial to Triumph, co-written by Dr. Maduka and his wife, Dr Cosmas Maduka said: “The way one does business in this 21st Century is by seeing things before they happen. You must visualise the business; you must see what others are not seeing.”
Dear reader, in your own chosen field, can you see what others cannot see? Can you see great opportunities in your field? Be a man of action. If you see what others cannot see, you will get to the height that others cannot get to.
Be Known for Quality
Quality should be your watchword. Whether you are rendering service, producing or supplying product, ensure that it is the best quality. This is one of the success secrets of Dr. Maduka. Coscharis is a popular brand in the automobile industry because of the best quality products they deal with.
According to Cosmas, “it is impossible to sell an inferior product and hope for substantial success.”
Aggressive Marketing
Whether you are a business man or a professional, your ability to market yourself, business or service goes a long way towards enhancing your business.
If your products or service are meant for the masses, then the masses must be informed and educated about it. In his word Maduka said: “To have revenues and profits, you first need to have customers. To get customers, you must be able to successfully market your business.”

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