Monday, 25 February 2013

How to Grow Where You Are Planted (1)

For the tiny acorn to grow into the mighty Oak, it must first fall into the soil or be planted. A seed that doesn’t have contact with the soil cannot hope to germinate, not even to talk of growing into a mature plant.
The soil plays a significant role in the growth and development of seeds. The soil holds the nutrients and water needed to nurture seeds that fall into it or that are planted in it. A combination of the seed and the right soil brings about a fruitful plant.
Now, taking a cue from the seed principle, it is crystal clear that we are meant for growth. From cradle to the grave and from “nobody” to “somebody” we are meant for growth. For us to grow into greatness, there are several truth we must grasp and take seriously. In this article, we shall be taking a look at the essential ingredients for growing into greatness:
1.   You are a Seed
A seed is a tiny substance destined to be great if properly planted on the right soil. A seed contains the potentials for growth. Like the seed, you have the potentials for growing into greatness.  God did not create you empty. When God created you, He deposited within you unlimited potentials with which you can utilize for greatness.
God’s goal for your life is that you should grow and become great. When God says “Let them have dominion over the earth”, what He means is that we should grow strong and become great on earth. God’s command also means that He has given us the wherewithal to grow from a tiny seed to a mighty tree.
Having been equipped with unlimited potentials for greatness, it now behoves us to harness these potentials for our greatness. You can’t exercise dominion if you have not been equipped with what it takes to dominate.
You are made to dominate. You are born to be more than a conqueror. You are born to achieve greatness. NOTHING CAN HINDER YOU FROM ACHIEVING GREATNESS IF YOU DEPLOY THE UNLIMITED POTENTIALS THAT GOD HAS DEPOSITED IN YOU.
2.   Locate the Right  Soil
For a seed to be productive and fruitful, it must fall into the right soil. In this context, your right soil is your area of specialization, your area of greatest strength and greatest passion. And this must first be identified before planting
It is true that you are loaded with unlimited potentials to achieve all-round greatness. But it is also true that you cannot be everything at the same time. While it is possible to achieve success in anything you set out to do, it may not be possible to become everything at the same time.
You cannot, for instance, be an engineer, doctor, lawyer, accountant, nurse, footballer and musician at the same time. You actually have the potential for becoming any of those, but the difficulty is trying to become all at the same time.
This is why you must locate the right soil that will enable you to grow and be the best that God wants you to be. The nutrients for your growth can be found in the soil that is meant only for you. The right soil for you may not be the right soil for everyone.
In locating the right soil for your growth into greatness, there are three things you must take into consideration. Let us take a look at them:
a.   Function in Your Area of Greatest Strength
An acorn that is expected to grow into a mighty oak cannot grow into its full potential on an adverse soil. Similarly, you cannot grow into your full greatness if you plant yourself in an area that you cannot perform above average.
In locating the right soil, it is important to note that THE RIGHT SOIL IS YOUR AREA OF GREATEST STRENGTH. THE BEST PLACE TO FUNCTION IS IN YOUR AREA OF EXPERTISE. There is always something you know best to do.
If you want to be great in life, don’t be a charlatan. DON’T BE A QUACK. Resist the temptation to plant yourself in the area of your greatest weakness. If you choose to function in your area of your weakness, you may never be able to excel in life. THE SECRET OF SUCCESS IN LIFE IS TO FUNCTION IN YOUR AREA OF GREATEST STRENGTH.  The right soil for you is your area of greatest strength. You need to sit down and figure out the particular thing you are most gifted to do.
b.   Discover Your Passion
Denis Diderot said: “Only passion, great passion, can elevate the human soul to achieve great things.”
In locating your right soil, you should figure out what you are most passionate about. Passion drives you to achieve great success in life. When you are passionate in a particular field, it is possible to draw on the unlimited potentials within you to achieve greatness in life.
The acid-test of the right soil is the passion to stick to what you are good at and what you love doing. What is that thing you are most passionate about? It is what you are passionate about that you must stick to.
Abraham John Ejiofor noted: “When you do the work you love, the result will be visible.” If you want to grow into greatness, discover your passion. Your passion will elevate you. Your passion will make you to perform optimally. Find your passion for it is the very soil you must plant yourself  before you can grow into greatness.
c.   Fulfilment
In locating the right soil for your growth into greatness, you must also consider the area you are most fulfilled. Normally, when you function in your area of greatest strength and you are passionate about it, then, you will find the fulfillment. FULFILLMENT COMES FROM DOING WHAT YOU LOVE MOST AND FROM DOING WHAT YOU KNOW BEST TO DO.
A musician that is passionate about his music career is more fulfilled than an accountant that is unhappy in his profession. In the final analysis, the area of your greatest strength and passion as well as your area of fulfillment is the right soil for you to grow bigger and stronger.
3.   Be Planted
A seed will remain a seed as long as it remains unplanted. And until it is planted, it cannot hope to grow into a great plant. Similarly, you will remain as you are – loaded with unlimited potentials – yet without gravitating towards greatness if you have not got yourself planted in readiness for growth.
You can grow only when have been planted. Being planted implies harnessing your unlimited potentials for growth. After you have located the right soil, then get planted there. And once you have planted yourself there, do not uproot yourself. Remain planted.
If you are convinced you are on the right soil, then, you shouldn’t move away from the soil. Remain planted. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
4.   Don’t Be a Rolling Stone
For a seed to be productive and fruitful, it must fall into the right soil. Like the tree, to grow into greatness, you must not only be planted on the soil that is suitable for you, you must also REMAIN PLANTED on the soil.
Many a time, we are faced with the decision to abandon the worthwhile project we are embarking upon when we see that our rate of success is too slow. We keep moving from one field of endeavour to another hoping to find a field in which we can achieve success overnight.
We fail to realize that by jumping from one field to another, we end up achieving nothing. It takes a while to grow into greatness. Just as a seed cannot be planted today and germinate and grow into full grown plant overnight, so also you cannot venture into your chosen field of endeavour and succeed overnight.
To be great in life, we must exercise patience. There is the saying: “Rome was not built in a day.” Success won’t come as fast as you expect.
It takes time to grow. Instant success goes against the principle of the seed. It takes time for a seed to grow into a plant. To succeed, you must apply the seed principle. For a seed to grow into a plant overnight is abnormal. True greatness is not attained overnight.
Once you have planted yourself on the soil that is suitable for your growth, don’t uproot yourself. Even if you are not seeing any meaningful growth, remain where you have planted yourself. It takes time to germinate. It takes time to bud. It takes time to bear fruits and it takes time for the fruit to ripen. If you expect otherwise, you may be disappointed.
In your career, when the going gets tough, constantly remind yourself of the principle of the seed. Learn to operate by the principle of the seed. When you are operating by the principle of the seed, you have no cause for impatience. TRUE GREATNESS REQUIRES PATIENCE. All super successful people have this sterling quality of patience in abundance. And this is what puts them ahead of the pack.
It is a mark of impatience to uproot yourself from the right soil because you are not seeing any meaningful progress. Stop running around looking for easier soil where you can grow faster. No soil (career, profession, area of specialisation) can earn you overnight success. Every soil must comply with the principle of nature (seed principle).
Success is a function of principle. Don’t be a rolling stone. A rolling stone gathers no moss. THE WAY TO GROW INTO GREATNESS IS TO COMPLY WITH THE PRINCIPLE OF THE SEED.
It takes time to grow into greatness. Patience is what you need to grow. This is the secret of greatness. As you apply the seed principle, it is my hope that you will surely grow into greatness.
Until I come your way soon, go and live victoriously!
NB: Watch out for part 2 of this article which shall be coming your way soon. Don't miss it!

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