Monday, 29 April 2013

Money and Relationship (1)

Money remains one of the most powerful forces that influence human lives. The Book of Success, the Bible says: “Money answereth all things” (Ecclesiastes 10:19b). But the question is: given its powerful influence, does money influence relationship? To what extent does money influence relationship? 

Looking at money from the proper perspective, one can say that money actually plays a vital role in any relationship. A relationship that is destined to thrive must put money in its proper perspective. Money is needed to meet the basic needs – food, clothing and shelter. Money is needed to strengthen relationship. A family man who wants to earn respect, dignity and love of his family members must play his role as the breadwinner. 

The well being of the entire family is anchored on money. Where there is enough money to cater for the family members, all other things being equal, the relationship should thrive. 

But is money the ultimate or the most important thing in a relationship? Can a relationship thrive without money? Or can money replace other things in a relationship? 

My answers to these questions are in the negative. I know why I say money is not the ultimate in a relationship. I know why I say relationship can thrive when there is only little money. I know why I say money cannot be substituted for other things in a relationship. 

By providence, I have spent several years in the rural areas, though I was not born and raised in the village. By virtue of my dual lifestyle as a town man and a village man, I have observed and learned great lessons about money and relationship. 

In the urban areas, I observe that people enjoy high standard of living. There is so much money to spend and there are more money making opportunities in the urban areas. In many cases, couples have money to meet the basic necessities of life and a little more to spend on luxuries. But in spite of all these, there are many reported cases of family problems and divorce among couples compared to the occurrence in the rural areas. 

My observation as a village man is that there is low standard of living in the rural areas. There are few things to muse about. You don’t need much to enjoy your life in the rural areas.  

But do you know that in spite of the poor condition of living in the rural areas, family problems and divorce are not so rampant there? You hardly hear of divorce in the rural areas.  The rate of divorce in the rural areas is very low compared to the one in the urban areas. Marital problems and divorce are not common in the rural areas as they are in the town and cities. 
Couples still stay together in spite of low standard of living in the rural areas. In fact, if a man can cultivate a few acres of farmland and plant few crops and his wife can do some petty trading, the issue of money is solved. And once the issue of money is put to rest, all other things being equal, the family enjoys marital bliss. 

I have also observed that in the towns and cities, many low income earners enjoy marital bliss than some high income earners. I have talked with a married lady in Lokoja, Kogi State capital, who told me that money used to cause problem between her and her husband. 

But he said the stage they have now reached in their marital life, money could no longer cause problem between them. She said despite their low income, they have agreed never to allow money to cause problem between them. Some high income earners may have all the money they want, yet they have more marital problems than low income earners.
Putting a Square Peg in a Square Hole

From my observation above, it seems to me that relationship can thrive even when there is not much money. Once couple can meet their basic needs and maintain love and affection, which form part of the ingredients of a successful marriage, and both parties are desirous of keeping their marriage or relationship intact, they would definitely enjoy a blissful relationship.

As far as relationship is concerned, many factors come into play to make it thrive – love, affection, communication, tolerance, submission, understanding, respect, etc. Each of these factors has its role to play.

Money is not everything. Money only plays some parts in any relationship. If money is allowed to play its role in a relationship, the relationship would thrive. But if money is employed to play roles other than its role, the relationship would starve in some ways.

For instance, money cannot play the role of affection. Money cannot give the partner all the affection he or she desires. Where you substitute affection with money there will be problem in the relationship. Money can strengthen a relationship if it plays its role in the relationship.

In fact, by my observation, I can say that in the absence of money, relationship will thrive, provided all other factors such as love, affection, communication, tolerance, submission, understanding, respect, etc are intact. 

Contentment is the Key

By my observation, I think the key to marital success is CONTENTMENT and not affluence. Where affluence is made to replace other critical factors like love and affection, there may be problem in the relationship. This is because money cannot play the role of love, affection and communication. 

Contentment should be the watchword among partners. Money or no money, the relationship can still continue. That you don’t have money today doesn’t mean you will not have it tomorrow. 

I believe if partners are desirous of staying together and are willing to sprinkle love and affection on each other, they would still enjoy a happy and successful relationship, even when there is not much money to lavish. If you take money out of a relationship and other factors are intact, the relationship will still thrive. But if you bring in all the money to replace other factors, the relationship would collapse.



Abraham Lincoln said: “People are as happy as they make up their mind to be.” Partners can stay happily together if they learned to make do with the little they have while working hard to improve on their financial status.

The Master, Jesus has warned that “A man’s life doesn’t consist of the abundance of things he possesses.” Note that Jesus is not condemning affluence or riches, but what he is emphasizing is that we should not see affluence as the ultimate in life. The key, again, is contentment. 

Dear reader, undoubtedly, money has a vital role to play in a relationship. However, money is not the ultimate. Other factors come into play to make the relationship successful. The key to success in a relationship is putting all factors in their proper place.

Money is not the ultimate and should not be made to replace love and affection. You don’t need so much money to enjoy a fruitful and successful relationship. All you need is contentment while you work harder to acquire more money.

Until I come your way soon, go and put things in proper perspective and you will enjoy happy and successful relationship! 

NB: watch out for part 2 of this article which shall come your way soon. Don’t miss it!

Friday, 26 April 2013


This is to notify all visitors to my blog, especially the paid version of my blog, that the site is having some problem which I hope to resolve very soon. Meanwhile, I urge you to keep visiting this very blog to read my latest articles.


Yours sincerely,
Sunny Adaji.

Monday, 1 April 2013

No Turning Back

It is easier to make decisions than to act upon those decisions. But if we are going to live a victorious life, we should not only make decisions, we should also boldly act upon those decisions we have made.
The story is told of an army General who took his troop out to invade an island. When they reached the island, his troop became afraid. Their reason for being frightened was obvious: they were not only fighting against a formidable troop, the formidable troop also outnumbered them.
When the General realized that they were overwhelmed by fear of the enemy, he commanded them to burn the ship. After the ship was burned, he told them pointblank that since the ship had been burned, there was no means of escape for them, and that if they were going to leave the island, they would have to do so in their enemy’s ship.
Realizing that they had no choice than to confront their enemy and fight to the last drop of their blood, they resolved to attack their enemy. They fought and won. And worthy of note is that none of them was killed in the battle.
Dear reader, if you are going to live a victorious life all your life, you need to realize that life is war that must be fought and won. But how do you fight and win life’s battles? Below are four steps you can take to be victorious in every battle you are fighting.
1.   Plan Your Strategy
Like real battles, success, prosperity and victory are functions of strategy. You need to understand that your victory is rooted in the strategy you adopt in the battle.
No army goes to the battleground without a plan. The greatest mistake an army can make is to march to the war front without a strategy, or a concrete plan of how to defeat their enemy.   
The importance of planning cannot be overemphasized. It has been said that “A poor plan is better than not having a plan at all.”  NEVER EMBARK ON ANY PROJECT WITHOUT A PLAN.
Planning requires thinking and strategizing. You need to sit down and think of how you are going to go about achieving your goal. You need to have a written plan that will contain the strategy you will use to reach your goal. When you think, you will be able to come up with a concrete strategy you will use to achieve your goal.
2.   Burn Your Ship
Fear has a way of making us think of escape route in times of battle. But if we must be victorious in life, we should stop thinking of means of escape. We should stop making and looking for excuses to quit.
I like what the Army General did. He ordered them to burn the ship. UNTIL THEY BURNED THE SHIP, THEY WERE NOT YET READY TO FIGHT. All they kept thinking about was the ship. They were ready to jump into the ship at the sight of the large number of formidable soldiers before them.
Dear reader, what is keeping you from making progress is that you have not burnt your ship yet. Your ship is that excuse you are holding tight to. Your ship is the means of escape you are contemplating. 
Any step you want to take so that you will not pursue your goal is the ship. And UNTIL YOU BURN THIS SHIP, YOU ARE NOT YET PREPARED FOR VICTORY. You have to burn your ship before you can actually brace yourself up for the battle.
3.   Be Courageous
The purpose of burning the ship is to put you in the mood to fight. It is not the enemy that defeats us; it is fear that makes us to lose the victory that should be ours.
In life’s battle, nobody is immune against fear. When we are about to start something worthwhile, we all have this fear that tends to make us discouraged and start looking for excuses we can give so that we don’t do what we want to do. Those excuses we give are products of fear.
But if we must be victorious in life’s battles, we must put ourselves on the line. When you burn your ship, you should not turn back any more. All you need do is advance. NOTHING SHOULD STOP YOU FROM MAKING PROGRESS IN LIFE.
In the midst of seeming danger, the easiest thing to do is to take to your heels, but if you are going to live a victorious life, you have to summon up the courage to face any seeming danger on your way. Learn to take risk whenever you want to embark on a worthwhile project. NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED.
The distinguishing factor between a champion and a loser is courage in the face of danger. As Sidney Bremer said, “LIFE IS NOT SO MUCH AS YOU THINK, BUT THE COURAGE YOU   BRING INTO IT.”
4.   Fight to Win
In life’s battles, you are expected not only to fight, but to fight and win. If you already have a strategic plan; if you have burnt your ship; if you have summoned up the courage to face the danger, then what follows is the battle.
Now that you have put everything in place and now that there is no turning back, the tonic you need to energise you for victory is DETERMINATION.
It takes determination to execute every great plan you have made. It is said that “A poor plan well executed is better than a good plan poorly executed.” You should not only execute your plan, you should execute it properly. GOOD PLAN + GOOD EXECUTION=GREAT VICTORY.
Resolve today to fight and win and certainly, you will come out victorious at the end of the day!