Tuesday 29 April 2014

The Internet Revolution and the World of Bulk SMS Business

For most, if not all of us, internet revolution has brought with it ample opportunities to bring our business online, sell our products and services online and purchase products and services we need online.

Internet has also brought with it great improvement in communication, exchange of information and social networking. However, the impact of the internet does not stop at that. Internet has also ushered in the world of bulk sms internet service.

We may not go into detail to delve into the evolution of the internet and the discovery of the bulk sms, but what is worth deliberating upon now are the benefits we derive from bulk sms internet service.

To start with, bulk sms service is an internet service that enables you to send text messages from a customized website to up to 100,000 mobile phones at a go. Now, before the discovery of bulk sms internet service, text messages were usually sent from a mobile phone to another mobile phone. By this means, only one message could be sent at a time and it could only be sent to a single mobile phone at a time.

The difficulty with this means of sending text messages is that it is time-consuming and equally expensive sending a text message 100,000 mobile phones numbers. If you are to do this, you may spend probably two years sending a text message to 100,000 mobile phone numbers, that is, if you are sending the message to 136 mobile phone numbers each day for two years!

This is the problem bulk sms internet service is created to solve. With bulk sms internet service, text messages can be sent to a million mobile phone numbers in less than 50 minutes!

This is possible if the messages to be sent and the mobile phone numbers that the messages are to be sent to, are already typed and saved in the computer/laptop or USB flash, so that whenever you want to send the messages, you only have to copy and paste them before you send them.
You can equally save the messages and mobile phone numbers on the bulk sms website and later retrieve them whenever you want to send the messages.

The Impact of SMS So Far

So far, so good. Obviously, the impact of bulk sms internet service is far reaching. All over the world, many people have come to embrace bulk sms internet service as an effective tool for communication, marketing, promotion, advertisement and execution of election campaign.

If you are living in Nigeria, I am sure you will agree with me that you have at one time or the other received several text messages in which a business venture advertised and solicit your patronage in respect of its products/services. You will equally agree with me that you have also received text messages from politicians soliciting your vote. The fact is, you are not the only recipient. Millions of Nigerians also received similar messages. 

You wonder how they came about your mobile phone number? There is no big deal about it. Bulk sms dealers normally have access to all mobile phone numbers of persons in Nigeria. They even sell them to politicians and business people who keep using them to promote their election campaign and businesses. 

It is on record that bulk sms played significant role in the election of Barack Obama, US president. Many business persons and corporations like Coca-Cola, have also recorded high rate of turnover in their sales when they leveraged the bulk sms internet service to promote and advertise their products/services.

The Prospect of Bulk SMS Internet Service 

If what we have witnessed so far is anything to go by, then, I would not be wrong if I say that many more people are going to embrace sms internet service in no distant future. This is not unconnected to the fact that bulk sms internet service is cost-effective and it is also fast.

Who doesn’t want a cheap and fast way of promoting and advertising one’s products/services? Even the banks and the blue chips are leveraging the bulk sms internet service. 

The internet revolution has no doubt brought with it great improvement in our way of communication, promotion, advertising as well as our social lifestyle.
For this reason, bulk sms has come to stay and many more people will continue to embrace and leverage it.

On your part, you stand to enjoy immeasurable benefits from bulk sms internet service. For instance, you can use bulk sms to:

  • Send Sallah, Easter, Christmas and New Year greetings to customers/clients, friends, relations and acquaintances

  • Notify your friends, relations, acquaintances of your birthday, wedding, anniversary, memorial, launching and invitation

  • Promote and advertise your products/services to customers/clients and people generally

  • Notify members of your association, club, organization, church, mosque, etc of date of meeting

  • Notify your customers/clients of the latest arrivals or new services you are rendering

  • Do election campaign by sending sms to electorates and soliciting their votes

  • Send urgent messages to political party members.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that bulk sms internet service has come to stay and for those who are ready to embrace it, they stand to benefit greatly from it.
P.S.: please watch out for more articles on bulk sms internet opportunities and how to tap into these opportunities.

Monday 28 April 2014

Healthy Living

Dear Friend, we are glad to announce to you a new article Category we are introducing on this very blog. This Category is titled, Healthy Living. As it were, health is wealth. Regardless of the level of achievement we have attained, if we don’t have sound health, we are not likely going to enjoy our wealth as we should. 

For this reason, it is our responsibility to take good care of our body. Now, we don’t need to become Medical Doctors to take good care of ourselves. CFVL has taken it upon herself to bring to you FREE health tips that are worth millions of naira to you – all for FREE!

There is no length that CFVL cannot go to share with you CONSTANTLY priceless health tips that will help you to maintain and take good care of yourself.

So, starting from now, health tips will be coming your way and as it were, you will cherish every bit of our health tips that will be coming under our article Category titled,  Healthy Living. 

We urge you to stay glued to this blog and make sure you don’t miss any health tip we will be sharing with you. 

Thank you our esteemed readers and remember that health is wealth.

CFVL CLASSIFIED ADS CFVL RECOMMENDATIONS Here are some of our products that we highly recommend to all our readers. For a full list of our products, CLICK HERE 

SELF-EMPLOYMENT SECRET 1 – Discover the strategy of walking in financial freedom.

INFORMATION GOLDMINE! – Tap into the never ending goldmine of information!  

PRINTING PROFITS! – Make fortunes from printing with little or no capital.  

MAKE FORTUNES FROM IMPORT! – Start with little capital without travelling overseas!  

WRITE ONLINE ARTICLES FOR MONEY! – Discover the secret of making money online writing articles. AFFILIATE MARKETING GOLDMINE! – Discover the success secret in affiliate product marketing! 

ONLINE PLATFORM FOR ALL PROFESSIONALS! – Discover how to leverage the internet to grow your professional practice.  

LUCRATIVE POULTRY BUSINESS SECRETS! – How to make huge income constantly from egg and broiler production.  

A-Z OF COPYWRITING! – Master the technique of copywriting and earn fat income constantly!

SUCCESS SECRET OF THE AGES! – Grab hold of the lessons contained in the ancient, life-changing parable of the pencil.

Monday 21 April 2014

Easter Bonanza: 50% Price Slash on CFVL Products

Dear friend, thank you for staying glued to this blog (centreforvictoriousliving.com). as you know, Easter is here again and as usual, we are bringing down the prices of our e-books to enable you order as many of our e-books as you want.

This year’s Easter bonanza is however unusual. We are not just bringing down the prices of our products; we are doing so by 50%. This means that for every e-book you order, you pay half of the original price. 

This offer will last till 15th May 2014. Avail yourself of this golden opportunity by placing your order now. below are the e-books, their codes, original prices and their bonanza prices.

List of Our E-books

  • HOW TO BE SELF EMPLOYED – Practical, Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers (Vol. 1) – Code: A1
Original price: N1,000; Bonanza Price: N500

  • HOW TO BE SELF EMPLOYED – Practical, Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers (Vol. 2) – Code: A2
Original price: N1,000; Bonanza Price: N500

  • How to Register Your Business Name and Run Your Business within the Ambit of the Law – Code: B1 (1)
Original price: N1,000; Bonanza Price: N500

  • How to Incorporate and Run Your Organisation Within the Ambit of the Law – Code: B1 (2)
Original price: N1,000; Bonanza Price: N500

  • PARABLE OF THE PENCIL – An Exposition of God’s Principles for Prosperity and Fulfilment – Code: B1 (3)
Original price: N1,000; Bonanza Price: N500

  • How to Make Fortunes from Printing Business Starting with Little or No Capital – Code: B2 (1)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • How to Make Fortunes from Import Business Starting with N50,000 or Less – Code: B2 (2)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750
  • TENANT’S TREASURY – How to Protect Your Rights as a Tenant – Code: B2 (3)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Poultry Business (Broiler Production) –Code: B2 (4)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Poultry Business (Egg Production) – Code: B2 (5)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Real Estate Agency Business – Code: B2 (6)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • Write for Cash – Guide to Lucrative Online Freelance Writing. Code: B2 (7)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • Blogging for Profits. Code: B2 (8)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums Code: B2 (9)
Original price: N1,500; Bonanza Price: N750

  • LANDLORD’S TREASURY – How to Protect Your Rights, interests and Property Under Nigerian Jurisdiction. Code: B3 (1). Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • SHAREHOLDER’S COMPANION – An Elucidation of the Legal Rights and Liabilities of a Company Shareholder Code: B3 (2)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000
  •  How a Blog Can Help You Grow Your Professional Practice Code: B3 (3)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • Affiliate Marketing Goldmine! – Discover the Secret of Success in Affiliate Marketing. Code: B3 (4)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000
  • How to Write, Package and Sell Information Products for High Profits. Code: B3 (5)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • Sales Copy Made Easy! How to Write Compelling Sales Copy that Drives Prospects to Order Your Products. Code: B3 (7)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums. Code: B3 (8)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • Where to Buy Land in Nigeria and How to Avoid Acquisition of Defective Title. Code: B3 (9)
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • VOID MARRIAGE – Grounds for Annulment and Consequences of Contracting Void Marriage: L1
Original price: N2,000; Bonanza price: N1000

  • VOIDABLE MARRIAGE – Grounds for Annulment: L2 price:  Original Price: N1,000; Bonanza price: N500

How to Order
Pay the Bonanza Price  of the e-book you want to buy into the following account:
Bank: UBA
Account Name: Adaji Sunday
Account Number: 2015569824

After payment, text your payment details to: 07061016859. Remember to include the code of the eBook that you buy. The payment details you will text to us will look like this:
Name/email/amount/code/teller No/date/

On confirmation of your payment, your order will be sent to your mailbox where you will download or print out and read.


Here are some of our products that we highly recommend to all our readers. For a full list of our products, CLICK HERE 

SELF-EMPLOYMENT SECRET 1 – Discover the strategy of walking in financial freedom.

INFORMATION GOLDMINE! – Tap into the never ending goldmine of information!  

PRINTING PROFITS! – Make fortunes from printing with little or no capital.  

MAKE FORTUNES FROM IMPORT! – Start with little capital without travelling overseas!  

WRITE ONLINE ARTICLES FOR MONEY! – Discover the secret of making money online writing articles.  

AFFILIATE MARKETING GOLDMINE! – Discover the success secret in affiliate product marketing!

ONLINE PLATFORM FOR ALL PROFESSIONALS! – Discover how to leverage the internet to grow your professional practice.

LUCRATIVE POULTRY BUSINESS SECRETS! – How to make huge income constantly from egg and broiler production.  

A-Z OF COPYWRITING! – Master the technique of copywriting and earn fat income constantly!

SUCCESS SECRET OF THE AGES! – Grab hold of the lessons contained in the ancient, life-changing parable of the pencil.