Monday, 14 April 2014

Emblem of Victory: Understanding the Victorious Lifestyle of an Overcomer

I read an article sometime ago written by an internet marketer. In the article, while pontificating, the internet marketer advised that when choosing a domain name for our website or blog, we should not include words that suggest difficult task or portray adversity. Going by his observation, words like “champion,” “overcome,” “warrior,” etc, are words that suggest battle, war or struggle. He said that instead, we should use words that suggest the opposite.
This internet marketing strategy he suggested might have worked for him. If not, he wouldn’t have advised readers to use the strategy. But one problem I have with this euphemistic strategy is that it functions only as a façade; it doesn’t bring positive change or help in the long run. Sincerely speaking, no amount of façade or camouflage will change reality. Of course, there are positive ways of changing reality but certainly not putting on a façade.
Over the years, I have come to realize that one of the reasons people get defeated, frustrated and lose hope in life is that they are made to believe that things must always work out smoothly or that life is rosy. As a result of this, they expect to live on this earth free of troubles and challenges.
There are even those who claim to owe allegiance to God and believe or pretend that they don’t have to encounter difficulties and challenges at all. Their faith or belief is that before they encounter any challenge or battle-like situation, God will remove those challenges and situations.
There are also some who believe that challenges, problems, difficulties, etc are signs that a person is not in the faith. And of course, there are others who believe that when a believer dies, it is because he probably committed a sin. They talk in a manner that suggests that as a believer, one must not die.
But as the Book of Life says: “It is appointed to men once to die, but after this, the judgment” (Hebrew 9:27). Dear friend, there is no use pretending or wearing a façade to cover reality. Often, we behave like the ostrich which sees danger and buries its head in the sand. But does that change reality? No, it doesn’t. No amount of façade we put on can ward off troubles, problems and challenges. We may pretend that life is rosy but that doesn’t change reality.
Call a Spade a Spade and You can Change Reality
The starting point to live a victorious life is not denying reality. You don’t solve a problem by pretence or by denying its existence. If you do that, you will never be able to solve the problem. A spade must first of all be recognized and called a spade. If you call a spade a spoon, it does not in fact make it a spoon. If you ignorantly or pretentiously take a spade for a spoon and try to use it to eat rice, do you think that it will actually change the fact that what you are calling a spoon is a spade? No.
Although this analogy is a bit ridiculous, this is what we do many a time. We try to deny reality, hoping probably that by doing so we will not face the reality. It is this pretence, hypocrisy and insincerity that is making us to fall flat before the very reality we are denying.
Combatants in the army do not deny the existence of battle to be fought and won. If they do, when the battle starts, they would not be fully prepared for it and so they would lose the battle. No army likes to lose a battle and as such they don’t call a battle a revelry or tea party. The army calls a battle as battle and war as war. For an army to be victorious, it must first accepts the fact that there is a battle to be fought and won. It is after this that it can now settle down to plan and strategise.
Dear reader, we are more or less soldiers. We are soldiers of Christ. As soldiers we must realise that there are battles to be fought and won. I like the manner the disciples of Jesus addressed the new converts. They didn’t tell them that since they have come to know Christ, life would be rosy to them. They told them pointblank that they should hold unto their faith and that they would have to pass through difficulties and tribulation to enter into God’s kingdom.
Metaphorically, life is war. The Book of Life, the Bible does not mellow down this reality. The Bible sees life as a battle and believers as overcomers. If the Bible says you are an overcomer, it means there is a battle you have to overcome. If the Book of Life doesn’t call battle a tea party, why should you call battle as a tea party?
This calls for seriousness. You should establish it in your mind that to enjoy victory, you must be ready to accept that there are battles you must fight. You should be ready to grapple with every challenge or problem that comes your way. It is high time we jettisoned the “rose garden theology” we have been indoctrinated with.
This doctrine is not helping us to prepare to face life’s challenges. And because we are not prepared to face life’s challenges, we continue to lose the battles of life.
We are born to be overcomers and not losers. If we must be overcomers that we are born to be, we must stop denying reality and start facing it squarely. We must gird up our loins. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Cor. 10:4).
Faith, Overcomer’s Emblem
It is not by denying reality that we can overcome the world. It is not by putting on a façade or by being pretentious of the existence of challenges, problems and troubles that we become overcomers. It is by using the shield of faith to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.
The Book of Success, the Bible says the victory of believers is anchored on their faith.  “This is the victory that overcometh the world , even our faith” (1 John 5:4). The weapon we must use to overcome every battle we face is FAITH. The force that will change reality or turn around unpleasant circumstances to pleasant ones is not one that denies reality. It is only a force that can recognize reality for what it is that will eventually change the reality.
FAITH IS A POSITIVE FORCE THAT DOES NOT DENY REALITY BUT CHANGES IT. IT IS THE MAIN WEAPON WE MUST USE TO OVERCOME EVERY BATTLE CONFRONTING US. Let us stop behaving like the ostrich which sees danger and buries its head in the sand. Let us arise and confront everything that confronts us with a strong faith believing that whatever happens, we will triumph in the end.
Always hold unto the faith that you are more than a conqueror. Believe strongly that you are stronger than any challenge or problem and that nothing can defeat you.
Anchor Your Victory on God
The Psalmist said: “Through God we shall do valiantly: for he it is that shall tread down our enemies” (Psalm 60:12). Recently, I discovered an inscription on the emblem of Nigerian Armed Forces which says: “Victory comes from God alone.” There is no truer statement than this. Victory comes from God alone.
When you are surrounded by your enemies, you need to realize that pretence and denial of reality cannot earn you victory. Your own effort cannot grant you great victory either. Only the Everlasting Father, the Creator of the universe can tread down your enemies. That is why you must put your trust in God.
Nothing should move you. Nothing should discourage you. Nothing should intimidate you. The emblem you should carry with you always is the shield of faith. The shield of faith doesn’t deny reality or mellow down the existence of battles; it confronts and quenches all the fiery darts of the enemies.
Recognize battle for what it is and fight. But anchor your victory on God. Trust him for your victory and you will be victorious now and always! 


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