Monday 21 July 2014

Work and Wait for It!

In matters of life, results speak for themselves. And that is why people don’t argue with results. Result ends the controversy. Result ends contention. Result is the ultimate. Once the result is out, everything falls into proper place.
If you are sincere, you will agree with me that there is that desire in us to be recognized. We all want recognition. That desire is innate and I think there is nothing wrong about it. But what can we do to earn recognition?
To earn recognition, we must do something outstanding, something worthwhile, something worthy of emulation. Any person wishing to be famous must do something extraordinary. You cannot be noticed if everything you do is average. You cannot attract attention if you live a life of mediocrity. But you quickly become famous when you always do something extraordinary.
A man who excels in everything he does is like gold fish. Such a person has no hiding place. Anywhere he is, people will always seek him out. H.S.B. Sera was right when She said: “When a man does a better job than his neighbor, even though he lives in the woods, people will make a beaten path to his door.”
Work for It
The story of Mordecai teaches the fact that recognition is earned when you do something extraordinary. In the Book of Esther, we read how Mordecai was elevated from the status of a gatekeeper to the status of a king’s deputy because he did an unforgettable act.
What is the act that he did?  He saved King Ahauserus from being assassinated by two of his chamberlain. When he learnt that the duo was plotting to kill the king, he reported the matter to the king. The recognition and the reward did not come immediately, but it eventually came when on a particular night the king could not sleep and called for the book of record which was read to him.
As the book was read, it was found that Mordecai did a singular act of saving the king from being assassinated. The king asked what honour and dignity were accorded Mordecai for saving him from untimely death? They reply was that nothing was done to him.
The king then ordered that he be crowned with honour as a king. Thus, Mordecai became a powerful and influential person in Shushan.
Dear reader, don’t strive for recognition; strive to do something spectacular, something extraordinary. The quickest way to be noticed recognized is to step out and do something that others will not do. If you do things that the generality of the people are doing, it may be difficult for people to notice you.
But when you do something different, unique and excellent, you will quickly be fished out from among the crowd. The tendency to mingle with the crowd and do what they are doing is very high since we are gregarious animals. Also, the tendency to conform with members of the public is very high because we don’t want to look odd, but if we want to be noticed and recognized, we must single ourselves out of the crowd by doing something unique and extraordinary.
Wait for It
To earn recognition, you must not only work for it, you must also wait for it. The fact is, recognition will not come just when we want it badly. We may be working for years and it may appear no one is taking notice of your efforts. And this makes us to be discouraged. History is replete with people who worked and worked but gave up just because they thought no one was noticing their efforts. It can be frustrating when you are working and it appeared the result and recognition are not forthcoming.
The reason we have more quitters than winners is that many more people don’t have the patience to wait for the results and the recognition. Patience is one of the characteristics of super successful people. Every highly successful person has this quality of patience in abundance.
A boy served as an apprentice with his master for years with the hope that at the end of his apprenticeship, his master would, as it were, compensate him with thousands of naira which he would use to set up his own auto-parts shop, but he was given only two hundred naira (N200)!
What a big disappointment! He had worked faithfully for his master to entitle him to the normal rewards and recognition, yet, he was denied all these. With the N200 his master gave him, he started his auto-parts business. With patience and perseverance, he worked his way to the top. Today, he is the C.E.O. of a conglomerate with over N15 billion in shareholder’s fund. For details on how this Nigerian overcame the disappointment to become a highly successful entrepreneur, CLICK HERE .
Nigerian female author, Chimamanda Adichie, is acclaimed the most brilliant female author in the world. But do you know that did recognition did not come instantly?
One of the problems she had then was rejection. Narrating her ordeal in the hands of agents and publishers, she said: “I think that the most difficult one for me was that I just did not understand certain things such as rejection. Therefore, the first few rejections I experienced got me completely depressed. I thought my life had ended. I thought I was hated. I had been researching. I think it is very important for writers to know what to expect. It was quite difficult.”
Despite the rejections, she never gave up. She kept on writing until at last when a female agent who got enticed by her style of writing connected her to a publishing company who published her books. Her books, Purple Hibiscus and Half a Yellow Sun are bestsellers and are read worldwide. Today, any agent or publisher she approaches will quickly accept her work and even pay her a lump sum in advance!
Stephen King’s recognition as a prolific fiction writer did not come in a platter of silver. He worked to earn it. He worked and worked and patiently waited for the appointed time. It is on record that King’s first book, Carrie, was rejected 30 times. Rejecting the book, one of the publishers said: “We’re not interested in science fiction which deals with negative utopias. They do not sell.”
But was the publisher right or wrong? He was wrong, totally wrong! If he were right, you won’t hear the name of Stephen King. King earned his recognition from fiction writing. What is even worth commenting about is his patience and perseverance. After 30 rejections, he didn’t give up.
He kept writing and looking for agents and publishers. He kept waiting patiently for his work to be accepted for publication until the door opened eventually.
For Mordecai, the story is the same. The rewards and the recognition for his effort in saving the king from being assassinated did not come instantly. It took sometime before the king noticed his good deed. And when the king took notice of Mordecai’s noble deed, he did not hesitate to crown him with honour and dignity.
Dear reader, if you have been working, working and working and you are not seeing the results, never give up. Keep on working. If you have been working and you are due for promotion and it appears the promotion is not forthcoming, never give up. Stay on the job and keep on working. By the divine principle of sowing and reaping, your labour can never be in vain. It is not God’s plan that you should labour in vain.
That success will come. That recognition will come. But you will have to keep working and waiting patiently for it. If you are doing the best you can, then, rest assured that you will get a commensurate reward.
The Book of Success, the Bible says: “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.” (Eccl. 9:10). What this implies is that anything you want to do, do it well. Shun mediocrity. You can’t go far with mediocrity. But with excellence, the sky is your limit. To achieve super success and earn recognition, go for something extraordinary.
The fact is, when you stretch yourself to do the extraordinary; when you stretch yourself to do what the crowd will not do, there will always be someone taking notice of it.
Presently, it may be as though no one is taking notice of your outstanding performance and you may be thinking of quitting, but let me assure you that YOUR LABOUR CAN NEVER BE IN VAIN. A GOOD PRODUCT, THEY SAY, SELLS ITSELF.
While adverts may help you sell in the short term; what will help sell on the long run is quality products/service. If you don’t have quality product, no amount of adverts will earn you constant patronage. What will distinguish and earn you recognition is your input. Your input determines your output.
Finally, don’t just work; you must also exercise patience and wait for the fruits of your labour. If you don’t quit, I assure you that you will earn a commensurable reward and recognition for all your effort.
Until I come your way soon, go and live victoriously!

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