Monday, 18 May 2015

How to Turn Setbacks to Comebacks

The wind of God is always blowing, but we must learn to adjust our sail. Just like the wind of God, adversity comes and goes, but it is how we respond to it that matters.
Things may not go well as we expected. Despite all our preparation, effort, seriousness, hard work and determination, things may not turn out well the way we expect.
In times like these, many people get discouraged and lose hope. They expected success but what they get is failure. They expected victory, but what they get is defeat. They expected their condition to improve, but it continues to deteriorate. They expected financial success, but they are entangled with poverty.
In the midst of these, they throw their hands up in despair and conclude that it is all over.
Dear friend, have you found yourself in similar circumstances? You expected the best, but you are getting is the worst? You turn right, left and centre, and every path you take is blocked?
And you begin to ask yourself: Is there any hope? Are there no more opportunities? Are there no more ways out of my predicament?
Surely, there is hope. No matter how worse your situation has been, there is hope. Hope is the principal objective of the gospel. The gospel is a message hope – hope of salvation, eternal life, victory, prosperity, success, freedom, etc.
The Bible says: “For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.” (Prov. 23:18). When it appears you are not   getting what you want, hope is the anchor you need. Hold unto your   hope; it will not tarry, because you will surely have what you want.
As far as the gospel is concerned, no situation is hopeless. In this dispensation, there are ways where there seems to be no way. And there are limitless opportunities where there appears to be none. In fact, we are living in a world of unlimited opportunities.
This is one reason you must hold tenaciously to the fact that NO ONE CAN CLOSE ALL DOORS OF OPPORTUNITIES AGAINST YOU. IT CANNOT BE THAT THERE IS NO WAY OUT OF YOUR PREDICAMENT. IT CANNOT BE THAT ALL DOORS OF   OPPORTUNITIES ARE CLOSED AGAINST YOU. To think or believe otherwise is to totally ignore the gospel message.  
In his bestselling book, One Door Closes, Another Door Opens, Arthur Pine narrated inspiring stories of famous people who encountered heartbreaking setbacks, went through adversities and emerged victorious.
One of the stories that impress me in Pine’s ONE DOOR CLOSES, ANOTHER DOOR OPENS is the success story of great actress, Carol Burnett.
Carol’s ambition was to be a super successful actress. She was passionate about it and was doing the best she could to realize her ambition, but she was not making any headway.
One day, she was invited to audition for a revival. She saw the invitation as an opportunity to make her dream come true. She prepared for it and participated in the audition.
But her performance was nothing to write home about. As she narrated the story of her dismal performance to her sister, she cried.
Her sister consoled her and assured her: “One door closes, another door opens.”
And that was exactly what happened to Carol, for that evening, she   received another invitation to audition. She went for it, did very well and was given a lead role to play in a play titled, Once Upon a Mattress! Her excellent performances in the play marked the turning point in her acting career.
Four Lessons that Can Change Your Fortune
Like carol, you can change your fortune. Never allow yourself to be held down in despair. You only need to take the steps that Carol took. Below are four steps you must take to make your dream come true:
1.   Be up and Doing
It is not enough to have a worthwhile goal or ambition. Having an ambition is the starting point.  If you want to realize your ambition, you must be up and doing. If it’s going to be, it’s up to you. A wise man once said that some people expect their ship to arrive harbor when they never put any ship on the sea.
Don’t expect your dream to come true, if you don’t make some effort to actualize it. Carol desired to be a successful actress and she was   not sluggish about actualizing her dream. She was up and doing. She struggled. She did the best she could. She seized every opportunity that came her way, and in the end, she got her breakthrough.
2.   Believe that When One Door Closes, Another Door Opens
It was British billionaire, Richard Branson that said: “Business opportunities are like buses. Another one is coming.”
The truth is, we are living in a world of unlimited opportunities. If you want to achieve super success, never conclude that all doors are   closed against you. One of the reasons we get easily discouraged in life is that we wrongly believe that someone is in control of our   destiny, but that is a blatant lie.
 In Africa, it is common to attribute defeat, failure, misfortune, etc to witchcraft and enemies of progress. Now, this is not to say that there are no witchcraft and enemies.
The point is, many unserious people use witchcraft as an excuse for not pursuing their dream. Some are not brave enough to admit the fact that they are responsible for their failure in life. Instead, they look for anything they can use as an excuse.
Don Wilder said: “Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure.” The fact is, if you believe that the devil or any person is more powerful than God to destroy your destiny, you are doomed. You can never be victorious in life, if you hold the belief that someone other than God is in control of your destiny.
Every true believer, every person who claims to owe allegiance to Christ knows that in spite of the onslaught of the devil and his cohort, his destiny is in the hand of God, and that it is only God that has the final say in his life.
To be victorious in life, we need to work on our mind. We need to change our perspective about our destiny and about our God. The fact that you failed does not mean your enemies are in control of your destiny. The fact that you fritter away every opportunity that came your way does not necessarily mean that the enemies have closed all opportunities against you.
As long as the world continues to exist and as long as you can think and pray, limitless opportunities will continue to come your way. One of the lessons you should grab in this article is: WHEN ONE DOOR   CLOSES, ANOTHER ONE WILL OPEN FOR YOU.
If you have been missing opportunities after opportunities, do not conclude that all doors of opportunities have been closed against you. The devil and his cohorts will try to close doors against you but they cannot close all doors of opportunities against you. God will never allow them to close all doors of opportunities against you.
When it appears all doors are closed against you, the fact is, they aren’t. Anyone who tries to close all doors against you will labour in vain, because doors of opportunities are limitless. They are uncountable!
When a door of opportunity is closed against you, it is an indication that there is one BIG door that God wants to open for you. This is why you must hold firmly to your faith in God.
If you always get discouraged and lose hope whenever a door of opportunity is shut against you, you are likely going to miss the BIG door of opportunity that God wants to open for you.
You have to fill your mind with hope, and always trust God to open another door for you. That is when you will be able to hear the door creak when God is opening it.
Carol struggled and frittered away several golden opportunities, and she was bitter about it. But with the word of encouragement from her sister, she rekindled her hope. Eventually, another BIG golden door was opened for her.
Like Carol, you can rekindle your faith now and become receptive to more opportunities that will come your way.
3.   Be Ready for Opportunities
It could be a phone call; it could be an idea that come to your mind while you are reading, brainstorming, chatting, listening to radio, watching  TV, praying or performing a task. Whichever ways ideas/opportunities come to you, you have to be ready to grasp them.
What does it mean to be ready for opportunities? To be ready for opportunities implies not to be taken unaware when opportunities come. If the opportunity you are waiting for comes to you this very moment, are you ready to grab them?
One big mistake some people make that is affecting their career is that they wait until the opportunity comes before they start preparing, and by the time they finished preparing, the opportunity would have passed by.
A successful professional once advised up and coming fellow professional thus: “To succeed in the profession, read and study, not just when you have briefs, but anytime; because you don’t know when briefs might come.”
What a great lesson! Opportunities don’t wait for you; you wait for them and before they come, you have to be ready. Carol was   always ready, and anytime anyone came her way, she seized it.
4.   Utilize Every Opportunity that Comes Your Way
Idea, they say, rule the world. But ideas can’t rule the world until they are practicalized. So also are opportunities. Opportunities will always come your way, but if you don’t grab them, the opportunities will pass by.
It is your ability to utilize every opportunity that comes your way that will give you an edge and distinguish you in your area of pursuit. Don’t just embrace opportunities; utilize them. Carol distinguished herself in her career because she always utilized every opportunity that came her way.
As I round off, let me reiterate that you can turn your setbacks to comebacks. All you need do is to practice the four lessons discussed in this article.
Till I come your way soon, go and live victoriously!
Dear friend, CFVL is highly recommending to you a bestselling book that will empower you to break records where others are breaking down. “Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view they take of things.”
Grab a copy of Arthur Pine’s ONE DOOR CLOSES, ANOTHER DOOR OPENS.
The lessons you will learn from this bestseller include:
  • How to turn your setbacks to comebacks
  • How to cultivate positive attitude that will help you walk through   adversity and emerge victorious
  • Secret of grabbing bigger opportunities right in the midst of adversity
  • Secret of overcoming negative habits that can cause you to  break down
  • Inspiring stories of how famous people went through adversities and struggles to become rich and famous
  • Secret of finding blessings in adversity
  • And many more!


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