Monday, 23 May 2016

Partnership that Works: Success Secret of the Ages

I got inspired to write this article on January 4, 2012 while I was reading Success Digest!, a Nigerian wealth empoerment newspaper. Just then, I came across the business name, “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.”
Instantly, my mind raced back to over two decades ago when a young pastor I used to attend his church shared with us the success secret of a man who established his business and traded under the name and style of “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.”
It then occurred to me that the “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE” which I read about in the business newspaper is the very “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE” that the preacher talked about decades ago.
I want to believe that coming across “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE” in the business newspaper is not just a coincidence but also an opportunity to share with you on my blog another principle of success, prosperity and victorious living.
According to the preacher, the business, “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE” was established by a man called Taylor. Before Taylor set up his business, he went into serious prayer, asking God to be his partner in the business.
Taylor desired to prosper and said the only way he could prosper was to run a partnership with God. He then told God that as a consequence of the partnership, he would register his business name as “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.”
Lord (Almighty God) would be the senior partner while himself (Taylor) would be the junior partner.
Taylor registered the business name as “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.” Thereafter, he started going round informing people about his business, “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.” Anywhere he went, it was “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.” In his adverts, on the business card, on letter headed paper, etc, it was “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE.”
He set up the partnership, ran it in line with the agreement he made with God, his senior partner, and God prospered the business. The fact that “LORD AND TAYLOR DEPARTMENT STORE” is still a going concern and waxing stronger and stronger, bear testimony to the fact that Taylor’s idea of striking a partnership with God is a wise decision.
Running a partnership business with God is one of the prosperity secrets of the ages. Just as it worked for people down the ages, it will work and continue to work for as many as will apply the principle. The procedure for striking a partnership with God and running a successful business is as follows:
1.   Get God Involved
 Two heads, they say, are  better than one, and when God is involved in a partnership business, there is no Jupiter that can make the business to fail. Partnership deal is an age-old success principle and a serious deal that should be taken seriously.
We have read of God’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We also read in the Bible how Jacob made a vow to God that if God would be with Him, prosper him, protect him and bring him back to his father’s house, he would serve God and give to God one-tenth of all things that God gave to him.
God protected and prospered Jacob and brought him back to his father’s house. Jacob also fulfilled his vow. This is partnership that works! WHEN YOU HAVE THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AS YOUR BUSINESS PARTNER, YOUR COMPLETELY SURE THAT YOUR BUSINESS WILL FLOURISH. AND THERE IS NO PRINCIPALITY OR POWER THAT CAN DESTROY THE BUSINESS.
Unless one is doing an unlawful business (which is not advisable at all), I see no reason why one should not ask God to be involved in one’s business as Taylor and many Bible heroes did.
You may not register God’s name with your business name as Taylor did, but the important thing is that you should ask God to partner with you in your business and you should be ready to fulfill your own part of the agreement.
2.   Prepare an Agreement
In any partnership, there must be an agreement. The agreement usually contains the rights and obligations of partners, terms as to how profit and liability should be shared, how the business is to be managed, etc. 
Agreements are usually BINDING and enforceable on the partners involved. Taylor had a binding partnership agreement with God. Jacob and some Bible heroes also had binding agreement (covenant) with God.
Getting God involved in your business, profession, occupation or vocation involves an agreement – oral or written agreement. On God’s part, you would want God to prosper and protect the business. On your part, what would you do for God? Jacob’s part of the agreement he made with God was that he would serve God and give one-tenth of all that he had to God.
Think of the part you will play in the agreement. This is an issue you must decide yourself. No one can decide that for you.
3.   Keep to the Agreement
This is the most important aspect of the partnership deal. For a partnership business to thrive, parties involved must keep to the agreement. On God’s part, He remains ever faithful and will keep His agreement. Where the problem lies is with us.
When you enter into partnership agreement with God, will you keep to the agreement or will you breach it? Taylor kept his own part of the agreement and God prospered him. Agreement with God must be taken seriously.
This is why King Solomon, the wisest man that ever lived said that it is better you don’t make a vow at all than to make a vow and fail to fulfill the vow.
And finally, dear reader, the principle of partnering with God is an age-old success principle that never fails. The man, R.G. LeTorneau attributed his ability to make millions to his “partnership with God.”
The prosperity secret of the ages has been delivered to you today. Are you ready to invite God to partner with you in your business? As you plan and run your business with God, and play your own part in the agreement, the ever faithful God, the God that cannot lie, will prosper your business beyond your imagination!

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