Sunday 29 January 2017

Secret Strategy of Super Achievers

As pointed out by Steve Scott, author of the bestselling book,
INTERNET RICHES: THE SIMPLE MONEY-MAKING SECRETS OF ONLINE MILLIONAIRES, the secret of achieving incredible success is to dream bigger than you possibly can. I think this is a great message we must imbibe if we must achieve our new year resolutions.

In his other bestselling book, MENTORED BY A MILLIONAIRE: MASTER STRATEGIES OF SUPER ACHIEVERS, while explaining this principle of dreaming bigger than you can possibly achieve, Scott condemned the goal-setting strategy propagated by motivational speakers, writers and educators who teach that we should only set reasonable and achievable goals.
According to Scott, setting only reasonable and timely achievable goals is “one of the greatest falsehoods ever propagated by motivational speakers, writers and educators.” To prove his assertion, he cited the case of Thomas Edison who set his goal of inventing the lightbulb in an impossible time period of three years, and did it in less than three years!

What is worthy of note is that scientists who were far more intelligent than Edison had spent more than 50 years trying to invent the same electric bulb and failed.

Going by this precedent, a more reasonable goal that Edison could have set for himself was 50 years or more, but Edison set an unreasonable goal of inventing the bulb in three years!

Another real fact Scott gave to prove his point is the success story of America’s great auto maker, Henry Ford. Before Ford started his auto company, there were other 250 American auto makers who were turning out 12 to 300 cars per year. Now, if this precedent is anything to go by, a more reasonable goal Ford could have set was to produce between 13 and 299 cars per year, but Ford set an impossible goal of putting a car in every garage in America. Surprisingly, within a few years, he was building 1,000 cars, not per year but per day!

Dear friend, what a revelation! – this principle of dreaming bigger than you can possibly achieve! One of the lessons I grabbed from Scott’s Mentored By a Millionaire is that SETTING GOALS THAT ARE REASONABLE AND ACHIEVABLE WILL SEVERELY LIMIT AND ULTIMATELY CRIPPLE OUR ABILITY TO ACHIEVE EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS.

 The surest way to achieve extraordinary results is to set impossible goals for ourselves. Setting impossible goals will ginger us to tap into the unlimited potentials God has deposited within us for our greatness.

Now, how do we go about setting impossible goals and achieving them? Below are three tried and tested steps you can take to achieve extraordinary results:

1.   Don’t Be Afraid to Set High Goals for Yourself

One of the reasons we don’t set high goals for ourselves is that we are afraid that we will not achieve them. It is this fear that is holding us back from being the best that God wants us to be. As Edison, Ford and others discussed in Scott’s, Mentored By a Millionaire, have proved, setting impossible goals empowers us to achieve levels of success we never dreamed possible.
So, we should never be afraid to demand great things for ourselves, for it is when we demand great things for ourselves that powers which we dreamed we never possessed will leap to our assistance.

2.   Be Prepared to Fail Many Times

Philip D’ Armour once told his team of engineers that unless they are prepared to fail woefully, they would never achieve outstanding success.
Failure is really the highway to success, but unfortunately we don’t want to pass through this way. The electric bulb we are enjoying today would not have come into existence without the thousands of failures recorded by its inventor, Edison. 

It is on record that Edison failed 10,000 times before he finally invented the incandescent bulb.  When asked whether he wanted to fail the 10,000th times before inventing the bulb, he replied: “I’ve not failed; I have only discovered 10,000 ways that the bulb would not work.”

A young aspiring writer once asked great entrepreneur, Sam Walton what he must do to become a successful writer, Walton replied: “If you want to be a successful writer, double your rate of failure.”

The more you fail, the closer you get to success. Be ready to fail a lot and learn from your failures. And note: YOU ARE NOT A FAILURE BECAUSE YOU FAILED; YOU BECOME A FAILURE IF YOU FAIL TO RISE UP EACH TIME YOU FAIL.

3.   Shoot for the Moon

Super achievers are men of focus. They are not concerned with reaching for all the stars they can see; they shoot for the moon. Mike Murdock once noted that one of the causes of many people’s failures is “broken focus.” Truly great people are known for one or a few things they devote their life to.

Their focus is to be the best in whatever they are doing. They don’t go about chasing every idea or opportunity they come across. They focus on what they are passionate about and they leave no stone unturned.

Dear reader, what Scott is emphasizing in his block-buster motivational bestseller, Mentored By a Millionaire, is that you can also become a super achiever in this wide world of opportunities. All you need do is to DREAM BIGGER THAN YOU POSSIBLY CAN ACHIEVE.

To do this, you should not be afraid to set very high goals for yourself, you should be ready to fail many times and you should never lose focus on your goals.

As you practice this master strategy, it is my hope that you will also become a super achiever soon!

Till I come your way soon, go and live victoriously!


One of the bestselling books that will turbo-charge you to achieve super success is Mentored By a Millionaire. Written by Steve K. Scott, a successful internet marketer and author, the book goes beyond the normal motivational tips to offering you something bigger, greater and extraordinary.
Grab a copy of Scott’s Mentored By a Millionaire.  Read it, digest it and practice the principles therein and you will find yourself accelerating beyond your wildest imagination. 


Welcome to CFVL blog. The Mandate of CFVL is to equip you with motivational resources that will empower you for victorious living. In fulfilling this mandate, we have packaged for you the following high impact information products: 

1. HOW TO BE SELF EMPLOYED – Practical, Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers (Vol. 1) – Code: A1 
 For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SELF-EMPLOYMENT SECRET  

2. How to Register Your Business Name and Run Your Business within the Ambit of the Law – Code: B1 (1) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Register Your Business Name with Less than N5,000 & Run Your Business Within the Ambit of the Law 

3. How to Incorporate and Run Your Organisation Within the Ambit of the Law – Code B1 (2) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Incorporate Your Organisation & Run it Within the Ambit of the Law  

4. PARABLE OF THE PENCIL – An Exposition of God’s Principles for Prosperity and Fulfilment – Code: B1 (3) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SUCCESS SECRET OF THE AGES! – Grab hold of the lessons contained in the ancient, life-changing parable of the pencil. 

5. How to Make Fortunes from Printing Business Starting with Little or No Capital – Code: B2 (1) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: PRINTING PROFITS! – Make fortunes from printing with little or no capital. 

6. How to Make Fortunes from Import Business Starting with N50,000 or Less – Code: B2 (2) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: MAKE FORTUNES FROM IMPORT! – Start with little capital without travelling overseas! 

7. LANDLORD’S TREASURY – How to Protect Your Rights, interests and Property Under Nigerian Jurisdiction. Code: B3 (1). 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: LANDLORD’S TREASURY  

8. TENANT’S TREASURY – How to Protect Your Rights as a Tenant – Code: B2 (3) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: TENANT’S TREASURY  

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For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: LUCRATIVE POULTRY BUSINESS SECRETS! – How to make huge income constantly from egg and broiler production. 

10. How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Poultry Business (Egg Production) – Code: B2 (5) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: LUCRATIVE POULTRY BUSINESS SECRETS! – How to make huge income constantly from egg and broiler production. 

11. How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Real Estate Agency Business – Code: B2 (6) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Making Fortune from Real Estate Agency 

12. Write for Cash – Guide to Lucrative Online Freelance Writing. Code: B2 (7) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: WRITE ONLINE ARTICLES FOR MONEY! – Discover the secret of making money online writing articles. 

13. Blogging for Profits. Code: B2 (8) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Blogging for Profits  

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For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SHAREHOLDER’S COMPANION 

15. How a Blog Can Help You Grow Your Professional Practice Code: B3 (3) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: ONLINE PLATFORM FOR ALL PROFESSIONALS! – Discover how to leverage the internet to grow your professional practice. 

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For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: AFFILIATE MARKETING GOLDMINE! – Discover the success secret in affiliate product marketing! 

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For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: INFORMATION GOLDMINE! – Tap into the never ending goldmine of information! 

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For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: A-Z OF COPYWRITING! – Master the technique of copywriting and earn fat income constantly! 

19. How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums. Code: B3 (8) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums 

20. Where to Buy Land in Nigeria and How to Avoid Acquisition of Defective Title. Code: B3 (9) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Where to Buy Land in Nigeria and How to Avoid Acquisition of Defective Title  

21. How to Contract a Valid Statutory Marriage – Code: L10 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Contract a Valid Statutory Marriage 

22. Matrimonial Reliefs – What Every Spouse Can do to Sustain or Terminate their Marriage – Code: L11 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Matrimonial Reliefs  

23. Void Marriage – Grounds for Annulment and Consequences of Contracting Void Marriage – Code: L12 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Void Marriage  

24. Voidable Marriage – Grounds for Annulment – Title Code: L13 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Voidable Marriage  

For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SOARING TO GREATNESS

  26. The A-Z of Snail Farming - A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming. Code: SF 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: A-Z of Snail Farming 

27. Internet Opportunity! Discover the Fastest Way of Making Money on the Online – Code: B3 (6) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Internet Opportunity! Discover the Fastest Way of Making Money on the Online  

28. How to Make Fortunes from Classified Ads – Code: B3 (9) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Make Fortunes from Classified Ads