Sunday, 26 March 2017

Six Power Habits for Victorious Living

Success is a function of the positive daily habits we cultivate and live by. If we want to be successful and victorious in life, we must learn to avoid negative habits and cultivate positive habits that will empower us to do great exploits.
What are these power habits you must cultivate to be victorious in life?
In his power–packed Christian devotional booklet titled, “THE WORD FOR TODAY, Bob Gass, who is the writer and also the publisher of the devotional booklet, advised his readers to incorporate six principles in their lives.

After meditating on these six principles, I realized the principles are the positive power habits we must cultivate to live a victorious life. Without much ado, here are Bob Gass’ six principles you should incorporate to guarantee your victory every day of your life:
1.   Don’t Worry When You are Doing Your Best
Success is not a day’s job. There’s nothing like overnight success. For this reason, you should not expect to make it overnight. When you are doing the best you can, and success seems to be a mirage, don’t get discouraged. The reason success eludes many is that they get discouraged and quit. Their inability to persevere made them to quit.
To be victorious in life, you must get rid of worry and discouragement.    And the way to get rid of them is to TRUST God to see you through every battle you face. Psalm 37:3-4 says: “Trust in the LORD, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed. Delight thyself also in the LORD; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.”
2.   Don’t Hurry When Success Depends on Accuracy 
An English parlance says “No hurry in life.” More often, we push ourselves to try to achieve so much within a short period of time, but we never succeed in doing so. We need to realize that in life, it is not always how far, but how well. What matters in life is quality, not quantity.
For this reason, you shouldn’t be too much in haste. While timing is important, it cannot take the place of accuracy. “Accuracy” simply means getting it right. While in a bid to meet deadline, you may play fast and lose; when you focus on accuracy, you will achieve outstanding success in record time.
Focus more on getting it right all the time in everything you do. Prov. 21:5 says: “The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want.”
3.   Don’t Form Conclusion Until You Have all the Facts
When a judge is adjudicating on a matter, he takes all his time to listen to both parties and their witnesses. By so doing, he is able to gather all the facts from both parties which will enable him to form his conclusion and deliver his judgment. Every judge knows that any judgment he delivers without evidence in support is perverse.
In our relationship and in our interaction with others, we need to cultivate the unbiased and impartial mind of the judge. Often, the problem we have with others is misconception. We don’t have the patient mind of the judge to gather enough facts about any person before we form our conclusion and pass judgment on the person.
Bob Gass is saying: DON’T FORM CONCLUSION UNTIL YOU HAVE ALL THE FACTS. In Luke 6:31, Jesus said: “And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.” This Golden Rule propounded by Jesus Christ is the solution to virtually all the problems confronting mankind.

View from another angle, don’t conclude that it is impossible to actualize your dream because you have tried many times and failed. If you keep trying you will succeed. And remember: what one person has achieved another person can equally achieve.
4.   Don’t Believe a thing is Impossible Without trying it
The story is told of Henry Ford who once instructed his team of expert engineers to invent a v8 vehicle engine. His engineers looked at the sample design and replied that it was impossible to invent it and that v8 type engine had never been designed before.
Ford insisted they should go and invent it anyway. They went to work and after some time, they returned to inform Ford that they tried and tried to design it but it was impossible. Ford refused to shift ground and insisted he wanted the v8 engine at all cost. When they realized that their job was on the line, they returned to work. They worked on designing the engine and in a short time, they got it!
What a great lesson! DON’T BELIEVE A THING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT TRYING IT. There’s no harm in trial. We live in a world of possibility. We only need to try, try, try and keep on trying until we succeed. Jesus said: “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” (Mark 9:23)    
5.   Don’t Waste Your Time on Trivial Matters
Trivial matters refer to matters that are not important or relevant to our lives and destiny. When we waste our time on trivial matters, we will have little or no time to pursue our dreams. Every worthwhile dream requires time. Time, they say, is money. Like money, time is precious and you cannot afford to fritter it away on frivolities.
In order to put FIRST THINGS FIRST, Bob Gass advised that we must ask ourselves: “What is it that only I can do or do best?” It is only when we answer that question that we will know what we should do.
And when we figure out what we should do, we should face it squarely and not allow trivial issues to distract our attention. The Bible says:  “Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.”
6.   Don’t Think that Good Intentions are an Acceptable Excuse for Doing Nothing
One of the things that God disapproves is doing nothing. God did not create us to be idle in life. Many a time we try to stay idle under the guise that we are waiting for God’s time. But this is what I will call a lame excuse. In fact, no intention, no matter how good it is, is a reasonable excuse for doing nothing. There are a thousand and one things you can do, while you wait for God to grant you the best you ask of Him. 

Waiting for the best time is equally not an acceptable excuse for doing nothing. This is because time waits for no one. Nothing should make you stagnant in life. An idle hand, they say, is a devil’s workshop. What you do with the time you have now is what matters. No intention, no matter how good, is an acceptable excuse for doing nothing.
Today, I urge you to roll up your sleeves and say "no" to any “good intention” that want to make you stagnant in life.
Until I come your way soon, go and live victoriously!

CFVL's Recommendation

Below is a list of CFVL's high impact e-books:
HOW TO BE SELF EMPLOYED – Practical, Time-tested Principles that Work for the Unemployed and the Wealth Seekers (Vol. 1) – Code: A1 
 For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SELF-EMPLOYMENT SECRET  

2. How to Register Your Business Name and Run Your Business within the Ambit of the Law – Code: B1 (1) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Register Your Business Name with Less than N5,000 & Run Your Business Within the Ambit of the Law 

3. How to Incorporate and Run Your Organisation Within the Ambit of the Law – Code B1 (2) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Incorporate Your Organisation & Run it Within the Ambit of the Law  

4. PARABLE OF THE PENCIL – An Exposition of God’s Principles for Prosperity and Fulfilment – Code: B1 (3) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SUCCESS SECRET OF THE AGES! – Grab hold of the lessons contained in the ancient, life-changing parable of the pencil. 

5. How to Make Fortunes from Printing Business Starting with Little or No Capital – Code: B2 (1) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: PRINTING PROFITS! – Make fortunes from printing with little or no capital. 

6. How to Make Fortunes from Import Business Starting with N50,000 or Less – Code: B2 (2) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: MAKE FORTUNES FROM IMPORT! – Start with little capital without travelling overseas! 

7. LANDLORD’S TREASURY – How to Protect Your Rights, interests and Property Under Nigerian Jurisdiction. Code: B3 (1). 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: LANDLORD’S TREASURY  

8. TENANT’S TREASURY – How to Protect Your Rights as a Tenant – Code: B2 (3) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: TENANT’S TREASURY  

9. How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Poultry Business (Broiler Production) –Code: B2 (4) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: LUCRATIVE POULTRY BUSINESS SECRETS! – How to make huge income constantly from egg and broiler production. 

10. How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Poultry Business (Egg Production) – Code: B2 (5) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: LUCRATIVE POULTRY BUSINESS SECRETS! – How to make huge income constantly from egg and broiler production. 

11. How to Set up and Run a Lucrative Real Estate Agency Business – Code: B2 (6) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Making Fortune from Real Estate Agency 

12. Write for Cash – Guide to Lucrative Online Freelance Writing. Code: B2 (7) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: WRITE ONLINE ARTICLES FOR MONEY! – Discover the secret of making money online writing articles. 

13. Blogging for Profits. Code: B2 (8) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Blogging for Profits  

14. SHAREHOLDER’S COMPANION – An Elucidation of the Legal Rights and Liabilities of a Company Shareholder Code: B3 (2) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SHAREHOLDER’S COMPANION 

15. How a Blog Can Help You Grow Your Professional Practice Code: B3 (3) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: ONLINE PLATFORM FOR ALL PROFESSIONALS! – Discover how to leverage the internet to grow your professional practice. 

16. Affiliate Marketing Goldmine! – Discover the Secret of Success in Affiliate Marketing. Code: B3 (4) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: AFFILIATE MARKETING GOLDMINE! – Discover the success secret in affiliate product marketing! 

17. How to Write, Package and Sell Information Products for High Profits. Code: B3 (5) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: INFORMATION GOLDMINE! – Tap into the never ending goldmine of information! 

18. Copywriting Made Easy! How to Write Compelling Sales Copy that Drives Prospects to Order Your Products. Code: B3 (7) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: A-Z OF COPYWRITING! – Master the technique of copywriting and earn fat income constantly! 

19. How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums. Code: B3 (8) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Make Fortunes from Online Forums 

20. Where to Buy Land in Nigeria and How to Avoid Acquisition of Defective Title. Code: B3 (9) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Where to Buy Land in Nigeria and How to Avoid Acquisition of Defective Title  

21. How to Contract a Valid Statutory Marriage – Code: L10 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Contract a Valid Statutory Marriage 

22. Matrimonial Reliefs – What Every Spouse Can do to Sustain or Terminate their Marriage – Code: L11 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Matrimonial Reliefs  

23. Void Marriage – Grounds for Annulment and Consequences of Contracting Void Marriage – Code: L12 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Void Marriage  

24. Voidable Marriage – Grounds for Annulment – Title Code: L13 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Voidable Marriage  

For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: SOARING TO GREATNESS

  26. The A-Z of Snail Farming - A Practical Guide to Making Fortunes from Snail Farming. Code: SF 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: A-Z of Snail Farming 

27. Internet Opportunity! Discover the Fastest Way of Making Money on the Online – Code: B3 (6) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: Internet Opportunity! Discover the Fastest Way of Making Money on the Online  

28. How to Make Fortunes from Classified Ads – Code: B3 (9) 
For details about this e-book and the price, click this link: How to Make Fortunes from Classified Ads

Sunday, 19 March 2017

Bulk SMS Technology: how Its Application Can Turn Around Your Business

For the benefit of the uninitiated, let us begin by explaining what bulk sms is all about. Bulk sms is the process of sending short text message (sms) to as many recipients as you want (usually up to 100,000 recipients) at a go, with a click of the mouse.  
Sending of bulk sms on the internet with the computer is made possible with the development of customized website which is used to send the sms. For details about what a customized bulk sms website looks like, click this link: CFVLSMS.
Now, the essence of technology is to improve our quality of life. There are several faster medium of communication these days than many years back. Among these medium are mobile phone, email, fax, television, radio, etc. Of late is bulk sms sent from the website to as many mobile phone numbers as you want at a go - with just one click.
Bulk sms technology is fast gaining ground, not just because it is faster, but because it is also cheaper. And it is equally effective and more reliable than phone calls.  No wonder, many successful politicians and blue chips are leveraging bulk sms to market themselves, business and products.

For individuals and small businesses, bulk sms is a cost-effective way of sending greetings, notification, invitation, reminder, etc., to recipients. The fact that over 97% of mobile phone users will open their mailbox  to read messages sent to them before they decide either to retain or delete it, makes it an effective way of getting your message across.
For the the business persons, using bulk sms in the marketing campaign will result in more awareness, more sales and more profits. Looking at the impact of bulk sms technology so far, one can say that this is another platform for building business, relationships and increasing income.
As a Chinese business mogul once said: “When you simply apply technology to the resources around you, the money will flow.” For those looking for a faster and  yet cheaper medium of marketing, publicity, election campaign, fostering relationships, notification, invitation, reminder, etc., bulk sms is  obviously the right medium for  you.
If you are convinced that bulk sms is  an effective tool for getting  your message across to as many people as you want at the same time, with just one click, then, don’t hesitate to use our platform – CFVLSMS.
Cfvlsms is a subsidiary of (CFVL), a motivational blog set up to empower people for victorious living. One of the benefits of using cfvlsms platform is that you have the options of logging in to to send your sms yourself, or you can ask us to send your sms on your behalf – at no cost! Yes, you won’t pay us a kobo for helping you send your sms.
Once you pay for the amount of sms credits you want, just send to us the message you want to send (not more than 160 characters) and the list of mobile phone numbers you want to send the message to. We will execute your order as soon as you send them to us.  
For more information about our bulk sms service, visit our bulk sms website. Just click this link: CFVLSMS. 
And  for urgent enquiry, you  can reach us via:
Phone: 07061016859
NOTE: If you need detailed report of any message you sent via, we will send it to you at your own request and cost.
NOTE: For politicians, business persons and individuals wishing to send sms to all mobile phone users in any state of Nigeria and FCT-Abuja, we use this medium to inform you that we can help you obtain phone numbers of all mobile phone users in any state of Nigeria and FCT-Abuja.