In the world today, we have two categories of people – the conquerors and the losers.
Who is a conqueror?
A conqueror is not a man without challenges. There is hardly anyone without challenges. Man created by God is of few days and full of troubles. A conqueror is not a man who runs away from trouble. Running away does not solve any problem. He who fights and run away, lives to fight another day. A conqueror is not a person who pretends to no have problem. A pretender is like an ostrich which buries its head in the sands when it sees danger approaching. Pretence also does not solve problems.
A conqueror is any man, woman, boy or girl, who exercises his or her God-given dominion over everything on earth, including every challenges he or she encounters. A conqueror is one who is in control of his life and succeeds in anything he lays his hands upon. He is not overwhelmed by difficulties. He may suffer defeat countless times, but he never gives up and in the end, he comes out victorious. A conqueror is one who has a record of achievement to celebrate. He celebrates victory over failure, poverty, ill-luck, frustration, ill health, defeat, etc. And that is what makes him a conqueror.
A loser, on the other hand, is not just a person who is enmeshed in defeat, frustration, ill health, or disappointment. If it were so, then everybody is a loser. A loser is one who cannot or who refuses to confront problems that come his way. If he confronts challenges and suffers defeat, he quickly gives up. A loser complains and whines whenever he meets challenges.
Are you a conqueror or are you a loser?
The truth is nobody is created a loser. You are created a conqueror. You are a creature of dominion. God expects you to lead a victorious life. God expects you to exercise dominion over the earth. He has given you the wherewithal to do so. If there is anything you lack, you don’t need that thing for your success.
It is really a pity that despite God’s rich endowment on us, we live like slaves when we are supposed to live as sons of God. Many of us are slaves to worry, disappointment, ill health and frustration.
Until you step into your God-given position of a conqueror and exercise your dominion, you can never experience a victorious life. Your victory is rooted in the exercise of your dominion over everything that confronts you. Every challenge that confronts you is ready to bow if you exercise your dominion over it. Success will not come to you until you exercise your dominion over failure.
How do you exercise dominion over problems?
Below are six steps you can take –
1. Expect Challenges
Until you start expecting challenges, every challenge that confronts you would continue to destabilize you. Life is not a bed of roses. Just when you think everything is well with you, tragedy may strike. Life, they say, is war. Success is not gotten on a platter of silver. As you strive to succeed in life, you will face many obstacles. Some of these obstacles will look insurmountable and tend to cause you to give up. You need not give up.
The fact that an obstacle looks insurmountable today does not mean that it cannot be surmounted tomorrow. Always remind yourself that problems are part of life. Problems will always come. There is nothing you can do about it. to live in this world and expects to be free of trouble, is a mere wishful thinking, a sort of day dreaming. Expect failure, disappointment, rejection, and frustration, so that when they you will not be overwhelmed.
Really, there is nothing strange in having problems, what is strange is when a person claims he has no problem confronting him. Problems are signs that you are alive. The only place on earth where there are no problems is the cemetery.
When you faced with problem from this time on, embrace them and say to yourself: “I welcome you all and I am ready to exercise my dominion over you. I am more than a conqueror.”
2. Stand Aloof
To be a conqueror, you must be ready to stand out of the crowd. More often than not, the crowd go wrong in its judgment, perception and evaluation. Many lives have been messed up by the negative influence of people.
Are you the type that allows people to decide for you what you should do or become in life? Then you better be careful.
Years ago, a young house wife, Debbie Fields, made up her mind to go into baking business. Baking has been the main thing she knew best to do. Her parents, husband, neighbours, and outsiders knew of her baking skill. But when she made her plan known to them, nobody gave her any chance of succeeding.
Her parents said: “You don’t have any business going into the cookie business.
Her husband’s reaction was even worse: “Oh Sweetie that is such a stupid idea”, said the husband. Other people predicted doom for her: “You can’t,” they said, “you will fail. It won’t work. You don’t have the business experience.” Were the right or wrong? They were wrong. Debbie Fields, against all odds, established her bakery business, starting from the scratch and eventually built a business empire. Today, she has over 2, 300 stores in over 10 countries generating nearly $1 billion dollars annually!
If you have been discouraged by what people say concerning you and your future plan, it is high time you had a re-think. Nobody knows enough as far as your future is concerned. Have you been written off as a “nobody”? Have you been despised and termed “worthless? Never believe that. It is a lie from the pit of hell! If you believe it, you are ruined. If Debbie Fields had believed the negative evaluation of her capacity to succeed in her chosen field, she would have remained a helpless housewife surviving only on the earning of her husband. But because she chose to stand aloof from the crowd, she was able to achieve outstanding success.
You too can prove the sceptic wrong, if you make up your mind to stand out of the crowd. Don’t follow people, follow your passion. If you follow people you will get lost like them, but if you follow your passion, you will definitely achieve success.
To be outstanding, stand out of the crowd. Ignore destructive criticism. The late Martin Luther King Jnr. Said: “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”
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Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Sunny Adaji is a motivational blogger, prolific writer, author and legal practitioner by profession. A law graduate of university of Ibadan, Nigeria, and presently into full time legal practice, Sunny takes quality time out of his busy schedule to write posts regularly for this blog. The objective of his blog - is to empower people for victorious living, through his inspiring and motivational posts as well as his e-books. As you stay glued to this blog, and read and practice what you learn herein, rest assured that NOTHING can hold you back from living a victorious life everyday of your life.
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