Monday, 8 July 2013

Key of the Kingdom: How to Unlock the Door to Eternal Abundance Right Here on Earth!

Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler in the Bible is really dramatic and riddled with vital lessons we can learn. The rich young ruler had all the money he desired. He also lived a godly life right from childhood. He kept the Ten Commandments which were the criteria for inheriting eternal life, yet he was not fulfilled.

In his quest for fulfillment and assurance of eternal life, he ran to Jesus, knelt down and asked Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Jesus asked him to keep the Ten Commandments. He said he had been doing that right from his youth.

Jesus quickly realized that he lacked ONE thing! Jesus instructed him to sell his property, give the proceeds to the poor and then return to follow Him. The man became very sad and went away.

A godly man, the rich young ruler was very much preoccupied with accumulation of wealth. There is nothing wrong with that. Jesus didn’t condemn him for being rich. The truth Jesus sees about riches is that most rich people find it difficult using their riches to better the lot of the less privileged.

The sadness of the rich young ruler after Jesus told him to go and sell his properties, donate the proceeds to the poor and return to follow him buttresses this fact. The story of this rich young ruler is a pointer to the fact that no amount of wealth we accumulate will bring us happiness and fulfillment.

There are people who believe that what matters most is accumulation of wealth. They believe if they get all the money they want, they would be happy and fulfilled. They rich young ruler might have thought that way too.

He thought if he could acquire all the money he desired and kept the Ten Commandments, he would enjoy here on earth and also enjoy eternal life in heaven.

The grab-grab mentality and the desire to accumulate wealth can never earn us happiness and fulfillment. It is a big deception to think that by accumulating all the wealth we can, we will be happy and fulfilled.       

The key to fulfillment and God’s favour is service. This is the very key Jesus handed over to the rich young ruler, but unfortunately, he failed to realize that this was the key he needed to unlock the door to fulfillment and eternal life.

If your desire for riches is for purpose of accumulating wealth and for your own benefit alone, you may never be happy and fulfilled. Jesus wanted the best for the rich young ruler and so gave him the best solution. He should sell his properties, use the proceeds to better the lot of the poor and he should follow Him and become a dispenser of God’s grace to mankind.


Jesus was happy and fulfilled because he served God and humanity to the fullest. He lived a selfless life. He went around doing good, healing the sick and casting out devils from possessed people. Even now, he brings life where there is death, light where there is darkness, happiness where there is sadness and sorrow and brings deliverance to captives.

The reason we are sad and unhappy is that we are too much preoccupied with ourselves. Our self-centredness makes us to lose the benefits of service.

The rich young ruler was too self-centred. He didn’t have the interest of others at heart. As far as he had more than enough to cater for himself and his family, and as far he was keeping the Ten Commandments in order to inherit eternal life, it doesn’t matter if others die in abject poverty and go to hell. But despite his self-centredness, he was not happy and fulfilled.

No wonder, Jesus revealed to him why he was not happy and fulfilled: “One thing thou lackest.” Dear reader, ANY TIME YOU ARE BECOMING HAPPY ABOUT YOUR LIFE OR YOU ARE GETTING FRUSTRATED BECAUSE THINGS ARE NOT WORKING WELL WITH YOU, GO OUT AND HELP OTHERS.

Never remain at the same spot whining and complaining. You can do something to impact lives positively, even when things are not going well with you. If you have some money, you can set up charity organization to cater for motherless children or the less privileged.

A radio preacher said recently: “If God is helping me to take care of my family and my family needs, what else do I need other than to be a blessing to others?” There are many services you can render to humanity which will bring you happiness and fulfillment.

You can encourage, motivate and inspire others to live positive lifestyle. You can help someone do a job. And whenever you do this, don’t expect anything in return. If the reward comes with it, fine. But note that it is life that will richly reward you for your kind gestures. More importantly, you will have joy and fulfillment.

Honest and sincere service to mankind is what counts. You may not have anything, but if you can just do some little things to make other people happy, to show people the way, to help people solve their problems or to give people hope, you will be happy and fulfilled.

Mother Teresa says: “Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the kingdom of God – the rest will be given.”
Dear reader, the word of inspiration and assurance for you is this: money will come! That is certain! But you must first obey the commandment of God. Don’t let your own money problem or poor condition of living bar you from showing some acts of love, kindness, understanding and peace to humanity. Service to humanity comes first. THE COMMANDMENT OF GOD IS: GO AND SERVE HUMANITY AND YOU WILL NEVER LACK.

Although it may look as if it doesn’t make sense, it works. It is the KEY OF GOD’S KINGDOM WHICH YOU CAN USE TO UNLOCK THE DOOR TO ETERNAL ABUNDANCE. You should abandon your own problems and worries and go out to render service to humanity in any way you can. Go and become a solution to people’s problems.

The rich young ruler thought it won’t make sense for him to abandon his wealth and worries to follow Jesus to dispense the grace and love of God to humanity. O that the rich young ruler knew that Jesus was handing him the very key to his glorious destiny.

Nothing brings happiness, fulfillment and God’s favour than abandoning our own interest to protect the interest of others. It is not the number of problems confronting us that are weighing us down. It is our failure to obey kingdom principle that is robbing us of happiness, fulfillment and God’s favour.

Jesus took the path of service and became the master of the universe. He served God and mankind to the fullest. He laid down His life for humanity and all powers on earth and in heaven were given to Him by God.

Dear reader, do you need power for victorious living? Then practice the kingdom principle. Go out of your way to put smiles on the face of those who have none. Go out of your way to give people hope. Let people know that they have hope for living. People should have every reason to worship God in spirit and in truth. Give people hope, give people inspiration.

The Challenge in Service

One common problem you will always face while rendering service to humanity is that some people will not appreciate your effort. They will try to find one fault or the other with you. They will question your motive behind the selfless service you are rendering to people.  They will try to remind you of the “folly” of your act of kindness.

As it were, kingdom principle will always sound senseless to those who don’t understand. But every true child of the kingdom knows that it works.

At the height of Jesus’ power and exploits, the hypocritical religious leaders of his day falsely tried to link His power source to Beelzebub. But He did not hesitate to make them see the foolishness of their thinking.

Again, as He hung on the cross at Calvary, one of the criminals that were crucified along with Him reviled Him: “If you are the son of God, save yourself and save us also.” Other people made some unkind remarks: “He saved others, but Himself He cannot save.”

Can you see that! Jesus was not crucified because of any sin He committed. He was crucified for the sins of mankind, yet some people never appreciated Him.

Great Lessons in Bitter Remarks

It is interesting to note that no matter how bitter a remark may be, there are always great lessons to learn from it. For this reason, instead of boiling up whenever you hear a bitter remark launched against you, calm down and pick out vital lessons from the remark.

Unknown to the criminal and those who made the bitter remark against Him while on the cross, they were actually pointing out a spiritual principle. The spiritual principle is this: if you save others, you cannot save yourself; and if you save yourself, you cannot save others.

Does it sound meaningful to you? Well, let us look at it this way: supposing on hearing the unkind remark of the criminal and the people, Jesus wielded His power and freed Himself and the criminals from the cross, do you think He would have died to save the world?

If Jesus freed Himself from the cross, He would not have redeemed mankind from the bondage of satan. His death and resurrection is to reconcile mankind back to God.

The spiritual lesson here is this: if you become too self-centred, you can never be relevant to God and to humanity. At best, you can only be useful to yourself, but even at that, you are never happy and fulfilled. This is because you can never be happy and fulfilled by being self-centred. The rich young ruler was never happy and fulfilled. All he cared about was Himself.

People who are too preoccupied with themselves are never happy people. The fact is: it is in living for others that you are fulfilled. So, even when people don’t appreciate what you are doing for humanity, don’t let that stop you from doing good works. If you stop it, you won’t be able to help them.

The Rewards

It is in helping others that you get rewarded. In addition to happiness and fulfillment, you are also rewarded with promotion, success, prosperity and God’s favour. Some people will even pray for you to wax stronger and stronger.

The Book of Success, the Bible says: “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself” (Proverbs 11:25). When you are practicing kingdom principles, you will enjoy peace and fulfillment which some do not enjoy.

The secret to peace and fulfillment is shifting your focus from self to others. The more you focus on yourself, the more unhappy you become. This is because self-centredness doesn’t bring happiness. Learn to consider the interest of others. Think of any way you can be of benefit to humanity and concentrate on helping people solve their problems.

Your focus should be on how you can serve humanity in honesty and in sincerity. You will not experience real joy and fulfillment until you do!

Till I come your way soon, go and take the path of service, in honesty and sincerity and you will unlock the door of eternal abundance even right here on the earth!



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