Monday 14 October 2013

Waxing Stronger: Lessons from Microsoft (2)

Microsoft’s purchase of Nokia Inc. is really pregnant with lessons that we can learn and apply in our own lives and businesses. Some of the lessons we can learn from this blue-chip are:
1.   Never Rest on Your Oars
Imagine a large corporation like Microsoft inc. purchasing another large corporation like Nokia inc.! You might ask, what else is Microsoft looking for again that she is acquiring another blue-chip? The answer I will give here may not impress you but it is worthy of note that everything depends on vision.
When you look at Microsoft’s vision, you will understand why she embarks on such gigantic venture. The vision of Microsoft is summed up in these words: “Global Diversity and inclusion is a long-term business principle that linked to the current and future success of Microsoft. By providing access to technology, Microsoft strives to help all people realize their potential. This means that diversity and inclusion are not just words on paper for us; they are core values and business imperatives.”
Going by this vision she has set for herself, the sky is only the limit to the size of her expansion. “Diversification” is a word that is most dreaded and ignored by many entrepreneurs. To these entrepreneurs, diversification is likened to being Jack of all trades and master of none. They prefer to remain in their chosen venture to diversify and integrate. Well, there is nothing wrong with that. Like I said, it all depends on vision.
Microsoft Inc., by virtue of her vision and strategy, is proving the doubting Thomases wrong that she can be a Jack of all trades and master of ALL! As far as technology is concerned, and as far as helping all people realize their potential is concerned, she can go to any length to actualize her vision. She began with software production and now climax in the merger and acquisition of Nokia Inc., makers of mobile phones worldwide!
Microsoft is not resting on her oars. She is assembling the best hands in the world and using them to create, innovate and make technology accessible to all. From the onset, Microsoft seems to have an audacious vision. Gates, the man behind Microsoft, began Microsoft with this tall vision: “A computer in every home.”
This is the very vision that puts Microsoft ahead of her contemporaries. While Gates was announcing this vision loud and clear, her contemporaries were doubting the possibility. This is at a time when many of us, if at all we were born then, never dreamed of owning a computer.  
But if you look at the impact she has made so far, you will realize that without her tall vision, many would not have got access to computer and Internet technology.
There is power in vision and when you have a tall one, the sky will be the limit to your level of achievement. Remember, Bill Gates with his friend Paul Allen, started Microsoft from his father’s garage. From such a humble beginning, Microsoft has grown to what she is now. And she is still growing!
The secret is in her vision. In your own endeavour, how high is your vision? Is it very high or low? If your vision is low, you may never be able to take your venture to an enviable height. If you are having a high vision, the sky is going to be your limit. Like Microsoft, you will not be afraid of “Diversification and Inclusion,” because you have a strategy that cannot fail.
2.   Don’t Be Afraid of Demanding Great things for Yourself
 Many people are afraid of setting high goals for themselves. It is not that they hate being successful, it’s just that they allow fear and doubt to cripple and hinder them from aiming high in life. Dear reader, it is worthy of note that successful people don’t give room for doubt and fear. Whenever they have a burning desire to achieve certain goal, they ignore the fear and doubt that will prop up in their mind and move on to do what they can to accomplish their goal.
To be super successful in life, you must be ready to fight these twin monsters that have been holding people down in defeat and failure. Set high goals for yourself, believe you have got what it takes to achieve any goal you set for yourself; and do all that needs to be done to achieve your goal
3.   Focus on the Best
The bane of many is that they are too pessimistic. Many have abandoned projects which would have turned out to be successful. Because of their negative attitude to life, they shut themselves in, thereby limiting their progress.
Dear reader, the fact that things look impossible today does not mean that they are impossible or will be impossible in future. At the time Gates said “a computer on every desk and Microsoft on every computer,” only very few people could afford a computer/laptop. That was why some computer giants then doubted Gates’ laudable vision. They thought it was a joke, but Gates has at least proved that every realistic vision is achievable.
To achieve great success in life, you should have a vision. Your vision should be very high. The higher your goals, they greater will be your level of success.
Like Microsoft Inc., your focus should be on the best. Don’t let other people’s low vision affect your own vision. The extent of your vision determines how far you can go in life. Those who doubted Gates’ vision of “a computer in every home,” are far behind now.
They are far behind because they never shared Gates’ laudable vision. The height you can reach in life depends on the height of your vision. Your vision gives you direction. Your vision propels you. You vision distinguishes you. Your vision injects hope in you, even when others lose hope and quit.      
Dear reader, are you contemplating quitting? Then, review your vision again. If your effort is getting weaker and weaker, you need to review your vision and re-fire your enthusiasm. Sit down and consider steps you can take to brighten your vision. You don’t have to fly with the birds and fly with the bats.
Keep your vision on the paper and in your mind. Think about it all the time. Think of giant steps you can take to keep you on track in the pursuit of your vision. Never lose focus in life. Let your vision drives you and make you a relentless combatant in the battles of life.
Tread Where the Angels Fear to Tread
Risk is one crucial factor every success seeker must be willing to take in order to achieve great success in any chosen endeavour. Life is all about risk. To bring your vision to reality, you must be ready to take risk. Risk takers are more likely to succeed than “risk fearers.”The distinguishing factor between the super successful people and the underachievers is the ability to take risk. While the super successful people are ever ready to step out and face any risk that is ahead of them, the underachievers are held down by fear of risks.
The fact is, almost everything you wish to achieve on earth has its risk factor, but if you want to achieve great success in life, you must be ready to take the necessary risks. Every success seeker must be a risk taker. One reason people never achieve outstanding success is that they are not bold enough to confront any risk that stand on their way.
Microsoft’s acquisition of Nokia Inc is not an act that is free of risks. There is no form of corporate restructuring that does not have its risk factor. In fact, there is big risk involved in any form of corporate restructuring. But one interesting fact about life is that the bigger the risk involved in a venture, the greater the possibility of earning fortune in the venture.
This is perhaps one reason the likes of Microsofts are not afraid of running with her vision of “Diversification and Inclusion.” And this is also why she will succeed in anything she sets out to accomplish.
Dear reader, risk is associated with every venture in life. In your field of endeavour, there are risks involve while striving to excel. There is nothing you can do about it. To avoid risk is to confine yourself permanently in the dungeon of failure and defeat.
Risks are meant to be confronted and overcome. If you are not ready to take risk, you are not yet ready to achieve outstanding success. Risks are not meant to be avoided; they are meant to be confronted and dealt with. If you are always running away from risks, success will remain a mirage to you.
If you want to make rapid progress in life, don’t allow fear of risks to hold you back from taking the necessary steps. Think and focus on the gains involved. There is no gain without pain. What matters in life is not the absence of risks but your ability to manage them. To achieve outstanding success, be a risk manager. It is your ability to manage risks that will elevate you far above your contemporaries.
Dear reader, one of God’s gifts to us is the ability to grow from strength to strength. It is God’s will that we should wax stronger and stronger. He has given us the ability to do so. All we need do is to use the ability. To keep waxing stronger, you must:
a.   Never rest on your oars;
b.   Don’t be afraid to demand great things for yourself;
c.   Focus on the best ; and
d.   Take the necessary risks.
As you practice these three guiding principles explained in this article, it is my prayer that like Microsoft Inc., you will keep waxing stronger and victorious all the days of your life!     

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