Thursday 26 June 2014

Website Design Made Easy: Learn How to Design Website in Less than 60 Minutes, Using Google’s Business Sitebuilder!

 Gone are the days when you have to learn the difficult HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) code to use it to design a website. In those good days, it used to take people three months to learn website design, and that notwithstanding, it would take several weeks and even months for a website designer to complete the design of a standard website.

The likes of such web applications as Dreamweaver, Joomla, etc, have also helped to make website design easier. And for every Nigerian reading this article, it will gladden your heart to know that Google, one of the most powerful search engines, has made website (not blog) design easy for you.

Google has come up with a “Business Sitebuilder” that you can use to set up a website for your business in less than 60 minutes. Google’s Get Nigerian Businesses Online (GNBO) programme, which is aimed at encouraging Nigerians to get their business on the internet, free of charge, is a great opportunity you cannot afford to ignore.

If you are a Nigerian, you have no excuse for not getting your business online. Google has made it easy for you to own a great website which content can be read by visitors to your site in 81 languages in the world!
A visitor to your Google powered website is given 81 language options he/she can use. And once he/she chooses any of the languages, your website automatically translate the content from English language to the language your website visitor selects.

So, any visitor to your website can read your website content in any language he/she wishes. This is what distinguishes Google powered websites from those of other applications. To visit a Google powered website, CLICK HERE.

How to Set up Your Own Google Powered Website and Make Money Designing for Others or teaching them Website Design

To set up a Google powered website, you have to learn how to use Google’s Business Sitebuilder to set up the website. Note that although domain name registration and webhosting are free, you can registrar your preferred domain name for a token amount of N1,500, which is renewable annually. For the free version, you don’t pay a kobo.

Now, you can enroll for my one-on-one website design training where I will practically teach you how to use Google’s Business Sitebuilder to design website for yourself and for others.

It will take you only a token and just one day to complete the training. And once you have acquired this skill, you can start earning huge income constantly designing website for others/or teaching them how to design website.

Avail yourself of this golden opportunity today. Stop procrastinating and act now! the value of the practical skill you will acquire is unquantifiable.


The fee for my website design training is N20,000, but if you act within two weeks from now, you will pay only N15,000.

How to Pay
Pay the sum of N15,000 only into the following account:
Bank: UBA
Account Name: Adaji Sunday
Account Number: 2015569824
After payment, text your payment details to: 07061016859. Remember to include “website” to enable me know what you are paying for. The payment details you will text to us will look like this:
Name/Phone No./website/amount/teller No/date/
Example: sunny/07061016859/website/N15,000/0000/11111/ 
On confirmation of your payment, you will be required to come for the one-on-one training, which comes up every weekend – Friday and Saturday. Note however that training can be scheduled to work days at a convenient time to be agreed upon.   
PS: This offer runs for two weeks after which the price reverts to the normal fee of N20,000. 

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