Monday, 8 June 2015

Lessons from Life’s Interruptions (2)

Welcome to part 2 of this article. If you have not yet read part 1, then click this link to read it: LIFE’S INTERRUPTIONS

The fact is, interruptions will always occur in life, but it is important to note that interruptions are not meant to dislocate us but to relocate us.

Often, when we set out to achieve something worthwhile, some things will happen which appears to be a cog in the wheel of our progress. It could be obstacles, problems, setbacks, etc. All these constitute what I will call “life’s interruptions.”

And to be victorious over these interruptions, you must see them as what you must necessarily undergo before you achieve your goal. Bearing that in mind, you are well able to handle the interruptions. 

In his bestselling book, LIFE’S CHALLENGES, Pastor  John  Haggee  narrated a story which vividly illustrates that  life’s interruptions are not meant to truncate our progress  but to pave way for our greater success.

Haggee narrated that one Howard, a member of his church came  to him and requested that he should pray for him to get a high-paying job to enable him cater properly for his family.

Haggee prayed for him, but after two days, Howard was fired! He returned to Haggee visibly unhappy and told him that he had  lost his job.

Pasor  Haggee, a seasoned combatant in the Lord’s Army, smiled and told Howard that he couldn’t expect to get a better job until he lost the one he had got. He further encouraged him to claim God’s promises, endure the problem and by faith wait on God’s provision.

Howard returned home. Five days later, he was hired by one of the finest firms in the city and was paid an amount that tripled his former income.

Understanding Life’s Interruptions

Dear reader, to be the best that God wants you to be, it is important that you hold a proper perspective about life’s interruptions. When you have a proper perspective about life’s interruptions, you will never be held down by any obstacle, situation or problem that comes your way.

Below are some lessons you can learn from life’s interruptions and how you can apply them in your own life:

1.   Prayer Changes things for Good

Prayer simply means asking God to do certain things for you. Jesus has assured us that if we ask God for anything in His name, God will answer us. When we pray, we should expect God to answer us. 

In Psalm 50:15, God said: “And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.” By virtue of God’s love, he will watch over His Word to perform it, but the problem we have is that we don’t seem to trust God enough to answer us.

This happens mostly when we pray and the situation gets worse.   Now, the question to answer is: “Does prayer worsen a situation?” No, it doesn’t. Prayer doesn’t worsen a situation; it changes situation for good.

If you have been praying and the situation still gets worse, don’t get discouraged. And don’t let that stop you from praying. The worsening situation is an indication that God is working on your situation and He is about to change it for your good.

2.   Interruptions are Not Meant to Crush You

Generally, problems of life are not meant to crush us, but unfortunately, because of our negative attitudes towards the problems we face, we allow problems to crush us.

We need to realize that problems are not meant to crush us, but to catapult us to stardom. When the situation is getting worse instead of getting better, don’t be discouraged.

THE FACT ABOUT LIFE’S INTERRUPTION IS THAT MOST TIMES, THINGS WILL GET WORSE BEFORE THEY GET BETTER. No matter how smart, wise and intelligent you are, you cannot escape life’s interruptions. The lesson to grab here is that INTERRUPTIONS ARE GOD’S WAY OF ELEVATING US.

Peter’s bitter experience on the lake of Gennesaret is a good example of how life can get worse before it gets better. Though a professional fisherman who knew how, where and when to catch fishes, his knowledge and experience failed him! He toiled all through the night and caught nothing! 

When Jesus asked him to let down his net, he explained his plight to Jesus, but promised: “nevertheless, at thy word, I will let down the net.” When he did that, he caught multitudes of fishes, so much as he had never caught in his entire fishing career! 

In addition to this great feat, Jesus enlisted him as one of His disciples, thus upgrading from a fisherman to a “fisher of men!”

Peter’s life got worse before it got better. In our own life, these may not be an exception. Things may get worse before they get better. Make up your mind now that no matter how worse the situation, you will not be discouraged, you will not be frustrated. You will keep looking unto God and wait for His time.

3.   How You React to Problems determines whether You  Will Overcome or Be Overwhelmed

 Dear reader, how do you react to life’s interruptions? How you react to life’s interruptions determines whether you will overcome them or be overwhelmed by them.
One of the reasons people react negatively against life’s interruptions is that they find it difficult looking beyond or ahead of the present situation. If many people realize that greater future lies ahead of them, they would not resort to negative destructive acts.

We need to constantly remind ourselves that life’s interruption is not an end, but a means to an end. Life’s interruptions are a means to a greater future. Your future matters most.

You may not be able to avoid life’s interruptions, but it is within your power to determine how you will handle or react to them. “Your attitude,” says the master motivator, Zig Ziglar, “determines your altitude.”

Make up your mind today that you will not allow life’s interruptions to deny you of God’s great plan for you. Understand that beyond all life’s interruptions lies a great future. LIFE’S INTERRUPTIONS ARE SIGNS OF GREAT BLESSINGS AHEAD OF YOU. THIS IS WHY YOU MUST EXERCISE PATIENCE AND WAIT FOR GOD’S TIME.

The best way to enjoy God’s blessings which are very much around the corner is to keep praying and waiting for God’s time. Let me remind you that prayer doesn’t worsen a situation; it rather changes a worse situation to the  best situation.

If you keep praying and the situation seems to go from bad to worse, never give up. Pray harder! When it appears you cannot find a way out, pray harder!
Never lose hope in God. Never disappoint God. God believes in you. He has never given up on you. He sent Jesus to redeem you. He equips you with unlimited potentials for achieving greatness. On the basis of these unlimited potentials, he mandates you to exercise dominion over the earth.

“Dominion” signifies authority, power, victorious living, fulfillment and success. This is why you must sing this song of victory today:
 I am victorious!
I am victorious!
Glory be to God  who gave me the victory!


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