Sunday 7 August 2016

Room for All at the Top

One of the lessons you must grab if you want to move from the bottom to the top is that there is room for you at the top. The top is not the exclusive preserve of a privileged few. There is no favourite for the top. Everybody is a candidate for the top. Everybody is destined for the top. The top is not crowded, it is spacious. The top can contain the present over 7 billion people on earth and there will still much more space left, as if no space has been occupie.
God Doesn’t Create Scarcity
Unless we grab hold of this truth, our accomplishments will be few. In John 14:2, Jesus said: “IN MY FATHER'S HOUSE ARE MANY MANSIONS: IF IT WERE NOT SO, I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU. I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU.” As it is in heaven, so it is on earth. It is however pathetic that in our hour of frustration, we try to limit God in our thinking. When things are not going well with us, we ascribe more powers to satan and his agents rather than to God.  
This, in itself, is a sign of hopelessness, and until we rid our mind of such foolish thought, getting to the top will be a mirage. God is a big God and he does big things. God will not create over 7 billion people on earth without making available for them abundant resources.
There is scarcity, there is poverty in the world, not because God did not create enough resources to sustain humanity. The scarcity we are experiencing in the world is not orchestrated by God but by man. When God created the world, He placed in the world abundant natural and material resources to sustain animals and mankind.
But because of greed, selfishness and wickedness, we restrict these resources so that it will not circulate. While the masses are experiencing the pangs of scarcity, only very few are swimming in abundance.
Aim Very High
In spite of the scarcity and poverty created by man, you can break lose from the fetters of poverty and work your way into abundance. History is replete with people who, with sheer hardwork and determination, moved from poverty to prosperity.
 You don’t have to be born with silver spoon in your mouth to make it in life. You don’t have to have some deposit in your bank account before aiming to become financially buoyant. You don’t need to have possessions or trappings of fame before you get to the top.
ALL THAT IS REQUIRED TO MOVE FROM THE BOTTOM TO THE TOP IS TO BE DISSATISFIED WITH WHERE YOU ARE AT THE BOTTOM. You should have the realization that where you are now is not the best that God wants you to be. God is not a creator of scarcity but of abundance. God wants you to be at the place of abundance.
This is why you must choose the place of abundance. In choosing the place of abundance, you must not limit your level of effort towards attaining that place of abundance. The problem with us is that we all want abundance, but we allow scarcity, poverty and negative situations created by others around us to influence our thoughts, lifestyle and aspirations.
If you are familiar with village life and farm work, you might have come across farmers who used to say, “The farm crops I have cultivated is okay for this year. I am not the one farming to feed the whole world.”
People with this kind of scarcity mentality are not likely going to break lose from scarcity and poverty. The farm such people have  cultivated may not be enough to cater for themselves not even to talk of their family, nation or the world, but they allow scarcity and poverty mentality to influence  them negatively.
If you can grow crops to feed the whole world, that will not make your poor, rather, you become richer for it. The solution to scarcity and poverty is to aim high. Don’t allow scarcity, poverty and negative situations created by others around you to influence you not to aim very high in life. Don’t be afraid to demand great things for yourself. Regardless of the situation you find yourself, never settle for less.
To break lose from scarcity and poverty, you must believe that there is room for you at the top. In your field, trade, business or profession, believe that there is room for you at the top. AND WHAT WILL TAKE YOU TO THE PINNACLE OF YOUR FIELD OR PROFESSION IS POSITIVE ATTITUDE TO WORK. TO GET TO THE TOP, YOU MUST BE INDUSTRIOUS, SERIOUS, FOCUSED AND PERSISTENT. YOU CAN NEVER REMAIN AT THE BOTTOM, IF YOU ARE DETERMINED TO WORK YOUR WAY TO THE TOP AND YOU ARE DOING THE BEST YOU CAN.
And finally, before I round off, here are some takeaways for you:
·        Scarcity is man-made. God is the creator of abundance and He wants you to have abundance
·        In God’s agenda, every person is a candidate for the top
·        The bottom is crowded, but the top is abundantly spacious
·        All you need do to break lose from the fetters of scarcity and poverty is to be dissatisfied with where you are at the bottom presently
·        God created abundance for us and wants us to be at the place of abundance
·        In choosing abundance, never limit the level of your effort towards achieving the abundance
·        The solution to scarcity and poverty is to aim very high. Aim for abundance. Strive for abundance. Focus on abundance.
Remember, there is enough room for you at the top. Get rid of laziness; get rid of scarcity and poverty mentality. Get up now and begin to strive for the top. And as you do these, it is my hope that you will get to your place of abundance sooner than later.
Until I come your way soon, go and live victoriously! 


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