Monday, 28 May 2012

Compatibility in Relationship

Compatibility is an essential factor in a relationship. The Bible says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). For a relationship to thrive between two persons, there must of necessity be a MUTUAL agreement between the duo. 

Often, you here a person say, “My wife and I are not compatible; we disagree on almost all issues.” And this makes me to think that we don’t seem to fully grasp what compatibility in relationship is all about. 

For any relationship to thrive, we need to fully understand what compatibility in relationship is all about. Here are tips to reflect upon: 

1.   No Two Persons Can Completely Be Alike
To be compatible in relationship, the two parties don’t have to be completely alike. The fact is, no two persons can be completely alike. Scientists have made us to understand that out of the 6.7 million people of the world, we cannot find two persons that are completely alike. Even among siblings and twins, you can’t find a replica. Each person is unique and original, with different character, mannerisms, idiosyncrasies, etc.

For this reason, relationship is not meant to be an agreement between two persons of similar character, personality, and idiosyncrasies. Compatibility in relationship should be best understood as a relationship between two persons of different character and idiosyncrasies.

And since two persons cannot exactly be alike, there is bound to be disagreement, conflicting opinions, and dispute when two persons agree to enter into relationship. So, it is not strange to disagree or have dispute and conflict. What is really strange is when there is no disagreement, dispute, or conflict between two parties in a relationship.

2.   No Perfect Person in a Relationship

 Since no one is perfect, we should not expect any person to be perfect in a relationship. Everyone has his or her own weakness, shortcoming, defect, and flaw. To ignore this fact is to ruin a relationship. No one is perfect. Just as you are not perfect, don’t expect your friend, partner, or spouse to be perfect. There are lots of hypocrisies in relationship these days and they are not helping relationship to thrive. We tend to expect too much from the other partner while we ourselves cannot give what we are expecting from others. That is not fair.

3.   Every Relationship Has Flaws

There are flaws in any relationship and the reason for this is that we are not perfect. This human imperfection rubs off on our relationship. To deny this fact is to be pretentious or hypocritical.
If you are having problem in your marriage and other couples in your neighbourhood seem to have no problem in their marriages, that their marriages are perfect. They may also have similar or bigger problems in their marriages. If they come to you to tell you that their marriages are perfect, it is a lie, don’t believe it. Perhaps, they have learned to endure their marriage.

4.   Relationship is all About Tolerance

Relationship will be enjoyed when both parties learn to tolerate each other. The reason people complain of incompatibility in relationship is that they expect too much from their partner and when this is not forth coming, they become disappointed. But they fail to realise that that they themselves are also not giving out the “much” that is expected of them.

For any relationship to thrive, it is my considered opinion that both parties must learn to tolerate each other’s imperfection. Both parties should learn to be sincere to each other. In any relationship, cooperation of both parties is essential, as the effort of only one party is not enough to make the relationship thrive.

I think this is what compatibility in relationship is all about – a union of two persons who, in spite of their differences, defect, character, mannerisms, and idiosyncrasies, have learned to tolerate and cooperate with each other.

On Relationship

Relationship is supposed to be a focal point here at For a motivational and personal development blog of this nature which teaches success principles and rules for victorious living, I feel our MANDATE will be incomplete if the subject of relationship is completely abandoned.

One of the benefits of having your mission statement written on paper, on your blog or website, and in your heart (mind) is that it helps you to remain focused and if there are things you ought to do which you are not doing, your mission statement will alert you. Then you will begin to fill you are not really accomplishing your mission. Consequently, you will be propelled to start doing those things you have abandoned.

So, the subject of relationship is not incompatible with Centre For Victorious Living (CFVL). It is just that I have realised that I cannot and should not continue pursuing our mandate unless I bring back that which we have abandoned, which is the subject of relationship.
Now, I am glad to bring on stream this important subject –RELATIONSHIP. This subject is going to be a category distinct from the others. So, all articles on relationship will be filed on RELATIONSHIP category.

I believe good relationship is sine qua non to our success, happiness, and fulfilment. I also believe that education, enlightenment, and information will go a long way in strengthening relationship.
Be that as it may, my writing here is not to show how perfect I am in respect of relationship. I don’t think I should be a perfect person before I can write on relationship. So, what I am doing here is to share with you principles that work in relationship. I know that these principles work and that is why I will not hesitate to share them any time, any day, anywhere. 

CFVL is all about sharing and contributing. If after reading and applying the principles contained in any of the articles on this blog, and they work for you, then I am fulfilled. You know, life is not about accumulation, but contribution. This is my own way of contributing positively to the betterment of the society. I hope to be bringing you, regularly, inspirational and life changing articles that will help you stay motivated for success and fulfilment.  

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Stay Motivated

Dear reader, thank you for staying glued to my blog. As it were, my mandate is to share, to inspire, and to motivate. To this end, I made up my mind long ago to keep posting, REGULARLY, inspirational, motivational, and life changing article.

Doing this is not a difficult task to me because every day I get inspiration from people, from what is happening in the society, from what I read, and from my mind.

The passion for helping people live a victorious life and for writing motivational articles puts me in the mood to RUN with my mandate. Consequently, I create time out of my busy schedule to write what I believe will contribute POSITIVELY to the advancement of mankind.

I focus on the positive and reject the negative because you can’t focus on the negative and hope to be up and victorious. To be victorious in life, you must focus on the positive always.

When you read OUR MANDATE (MISSION) page, you will realise that my mandate is clear. When you have a clear mandate, it is easy to RUN with it.

When I started my motivational blog July 2011, I started with a free blog, using platform. Four months later (November 2011), I set up my paid blog, using Wordpress platform.     
From then till now, I kept receiving comments which kept encouraging me to keep on writing more life changing articles. When you are doing something positive and someone is appreciating your effort, I believe you will feel fulfilled. That is exactly how I feel.

And that is why I always make it a point of duty to keep writing and posting articles that render GENUINE value to you my esteemed readers. And any time a week passes by and I cannot post one of the articles (I have many of them) already written, I feel bad. It is as though I am starving my readers.

This situation occurs whenever I encounter problem in the dashboard section of my paid blog – But my free blog is not that problematic.

However, I have devised a strategy now. From time to time, I shall be posting my latest articles on my free blog, So, if you visit my paid blog,, and you cannot find my latest articles, it means there is problem with posting of articles there. You don’t have to worry. Just visit my free blog. You will certainly find my latest articles there.

Now that I have resuscitated my free blog, I urge you to stay motivated, for it is when you are motivated that you can do great exploits and be victorious. Visit both my free and paid blog, for FREE, for more inspirational, motivational, and life changing articles.

And remember, you are also free to post your comment to any of my articles on all my blogs. At the end of each article on my blogs, you will see COMMENTS. Click on it, type your comment, and send. I will read your comment and approve it.
Please get motivated to be victorious!   

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Moving from Zero to Hero

The way to success begins from the bottom. You don’t become successful by waiting to be lifted up overnight. True success begins from the ground floor.

 Ground floor implies ground zero and this is the right place to begin. If you are presently on ground zero, then you don’t need to worry about it because this is the right place to begin.

History is replete with people who started from ground zero and ended up as heroes. Pele is one of such persons. Pele of Brazil, one of the greatest soccer super stars of all time started as a “nobody” and became a Brazilian world hero.

Pele began his soccer career with a minor league club at Bauru, Sao Paulo. There, he trained hard to develop his soccer talent.

At 15, he applied to play for major soccer teams in Sao Paulo but none showed interest in signing him. Pele’s coach who knew what Pele was capable of doing could not convince any of those major soccer clubs.

 Later, however, Sao Paulo Football Club of Sao Paulo signed him for its junior team. There, he utilised his talent to the fullest and when they noticed his brilliant performance, they quickly promoted him to the main team. He won 9 Sao Paulo league championships for the main team and became a super star.

 At 16, he made his international debut in 1957. He, not only made it to the Brazilian national team, he also became an international star. Pele won 3 world cup championships (1958, 1962, and 1970) for Brazil. He later became sports minister in the mid 1990s and in 1999, the International Olympic Committee (I.O.C.) named him the soccer player of the century.

 Pele visited Nigeria during the Nigerian civil war and they stopped the war for 48 hours to enable everybody to watch him!

 Dear reader, what does it take to move from zero to hero and how can you utilise it for your lifting? Below are four steps you can take to move from zero to hero:

 1. Scratch and Keep Scratching

 The secret of success is to start from scratch and keep on scratching. It is not enough to be passionate about one’s career or vocation. It is not enough to have goals and be ambitious. It is also important that you start, right where you are, to work on yourself. Pele did not become a hero overnight. He did not even start from a major league club; he started from a minor league club. Starting from the bottom enabled Pele to train hard and develop his soccer talent.

 Dear reader, if you must move from zero to hero, the first thing to do is to develop your talent. Hone your skill. Don’t make haste to fly to stardom. You have to develop your wings first. Your talent and skill are the wings you need to fly to stardom. So, you must develop them first. If you don’t develop them and you get to the top, you may crash-land.

 Be wise. Take a cue from Pele. Pele’s success was great and enduring because he first trained hard to develop his soccer talent. And this is what you need do to fly high to stardom. If you work hard to develop your talent, you will not crash-land when you get to the top, because having developed your talent to the full, you are in a position to perform optimally. Heroism entails high performance. Develop your talent and hone your skill first.

 2. Let Rejection Inspire You

 Rejection has nothing to do with your ability. Rejection is not a sign of your incapability. History is replete with people who were rejected and written off and who still moved from zero to hero.

Rejection has always been the highway to stardom. If you have been or you are experiencing rejection from various quarters, it is an indication that you have not missed your way. Rejection implies that your potentialities and your effort are not yet recognised and appreciated.

If the major league clubs in Sao Paulo did recognise Pele’s soccer artistry, they would have appreciated him and scrambled for him.

Don’t let rejection abandon you to the point of making you abandon your career. If you have really worked on yourself, honed your skills, and developed your talent, you have nothing to worry about. It is just a matter of time. Some time, some day, somewhere, someone will notice your talent and skill and give you the golden opportunity you are looking for.

 In times of rejection, the most stupid thing to do is to lose confidence in yourself and quit. Don’t quit. You are already on the highway to stardom. Remain there and keep learning and improving on your talent and skill; for that is what you need to fast track your way to stardom. Be inspired by rejection because rejection always comes before a great selection.

 3. Let Your Gift Make Way for You

 “A man’s gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men” (Prov. 18:16). When the worse comes to worse, your only saving grace is your talent or potentialities. Talent is like the star. The star shines in the dark and darkness cannot stop it from illuminating the earth.

No matter how dark the night is, the star will always shine. Nothing can stop you from shining unless you refuse to develop and utilise your talent.

 Don’t allow rejection, obstacle, or difficulty to stop you from shining. In the midst of rejection you should keep shining.

 Like the star, someone will notice your performance and will give you the big break that will fast track your way to stardom.
Shine your way through rejection and you will emerge victorious at the end of the day!