Monday, 28 May 2012

On Relationship

Relationship is supposed to be a focal point here at For a motivational and personal development blog of this nature which teaches success principles and rules for victorious living, I feel our MANDATE will be incomplete if the subject of relationship is completely abandoned.

One of the benefits of having your mission statement written on paper, on your blog or website, and in your heart (mind) is that it helps you to remain focused and if there are things you ought to do which you are not doing, your mission statement will alert you. Then you will begin to fill you are not really accomplishing your mission. Consequently, you will be propelled to start doing those things you have abandoned.

So, the subject of relationship is not incompatible with Centre For Victorious Living (CFVL). It is just that I have realised that I cannot and should not continue pursuing our mandate unless I bring back that which we have abandoned, which is the subject of relationship.
Now, I am glad to bring on stream this important subject –RELATIONSHIP. This subject is going to be a category distinct from the others. So, all articles on relationship will be filed on RELATIONSHIP category.

I believe good relationship is sine qua non to our success, happiness, and fulfilment. I also believe that education, enlightenment, and information will go a long way in strengthening relationship.
Be that as it may, my writing here is not to show how perfect I am in respect of relationship. I don’t think I should be a perfect person before I can write on relationship. So, what I am doing here is to share with you principles that work in relationship. I know that these principles work and that is why I will not hesitate to share them any time, any day, anywhere. 

CFVL is all about sharing and contributing. If after reading and applying the principles contained in any of the articles on this blog, and they work for you, then I am fulfilled. You know, life is not about accumulation, but contribution. This is my own way of contributing positively to the betterment of the society. I hope to be bringing you, regularly, inspirational and life changing articles that will help you stay motivated for success and fulfilment.  

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