Monday, 24 December 2012

Reason for the Season

Dear reader, season’s greetings to you. Christmas is around the corner and it is my hope that you will make it a memorable one. Christmas remains one of the greatest events celebrated by mankind. 

Encyclopedia of Religion defines “Christmas” as “Christ’s mass, that is, the mass celebrating Christ’s nativity.” The birth of Christ marked the commencement of God’s plan of salvation which He had planned since the beginning of the world.

The message of Christmas is that Jesus is born to reconcile us with God. He was born to accomplish the Redemption work at Calvary so that we can enjoy eternal life.
Jesus is God’s great gift to mankind. That is why we cherish Him, celebrate Him and adore Him. As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, let us remind ourselves that in everything we do, we should do it to the glory of God.
And take note: the fact that others celebrate Christmas in ungodly ways does not make Christmas celebration a sin. It is not the event that is bad; it is the manner it is celebrated by some people.
To condemn Christmas event itself because some people are using the period to do ungodly practices is to try to cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face.
If we realize that God can raise stone to praise Him, then we ought to know that abandoning our duty of worshipping God will not affect God in any way.

Christmas is not just a season of celebrating Jesus but also a season of rededicating our life Him. This is very important because we can’t continue to live life outside God.
The goal of satan is to draw you away from God. If you realize the folly of living life without God, then you have to be wise to quickly retrace your steps back to God.
The trick satan uses to destroy people’s lives is to draw them from the protection, mercy and grace of God. Once they become vulnerable, he then begins to ruin their lives and destiny.
The plan of God for us is that we might know Him and the power of His resurrection. Any plan that negates this plan of God for us is not of God, as God does not contradict Himself.
Christmas season affords us the opportunity of letting ourselves loose from the bondage of sin by rededicating ourselves to God. I THINK ONE WAY OF MAKING CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION MEMORABLE IS BY MAKING A COMMITMENT TO LIVE A LIFE THAT PLEASES GOD.
The reason for the season is that Jesus is born so that we might have life and have it more abundantly. I am of the opinion that in this world that is characterized with sinful practices, we can still celebrate Christmas in a manner that pleases God.
As CFVL (Centre For Victorious Living) wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy New year, CFVL is giving out a special motivational eBook that will equip you for greater success come 2013. Written by a famous motivational writer, this eBook is a MUST-HAVE if you want to make year 2013 a year of greater achievement.
To obtain a copy of this eBook, just send me the following: your name/country/phone number/email/”xmas gift.”       
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One again, CFVL wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy Now year!

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