Monday, 10 December 2012

Shipwreck of Faith: Five Steps to Building the Faith that Calms the Storm

On the sea of life, the storm is a regular occurrence that hit hard on man and his environment. We are all on a voyage in the sea of life. As we sail on, the voyage may turn out to be stormy.

The storm may cause or threaten to cause a shipwreck, but you need to realise that if you are going to reach your destination, you must be ready to deal with the storm that threaten to drown you.

The aim of every storm in your life is to drown you and keep you from being the best that God wants you to be. But whether you will drown or float depends on how you respond to the storm.

The good news is that you are not at the mercy of the storm. God does not create you to be overwhelmed by the storm of life. You are not created to be a loser but a winner.

You can calm every storm in your life. God has given you what it takes to calm every storm that is threatening to drown you. The weapon God has delivered into your hand is FAITH. The Bible says, “THIS IS THE VICTORY THAT OVERCOMES THE WORLD, EVEN OUR FAITH.” (1 John 5:4).

It is your faith that gives you the victory you desire. The storm of your life will not bow to anything except your faith. All the obstacles in the world put together cannot hinder your progress in life as long as you maintain an unshakeable faith for victorious living.

The life of faith is life of victory. To calm every storm of your life, you must endeavour to develop an unshakeable faith for that purpose.

How do you develop an unshakeable faith that will calm every storm in your life? Below are four steps you can take. Read them, digest them, practice them and you will surely calm every storm in your life.
1. Launch Forth

Victory does not come until you step out of your ‘comfort zone.’ You cannot actually celebrate victory until you launch out, holding unto the faith that whatever happens, you will emerge victorious in the end.

One reason some people may never experience breakthroughs is that they find it difficult to get out of their comfort zone. In the field of motivation, ‘comfort zone’ is a situation where a person feels he must not do anything about his situation.

Comfort zone does not really imply that that a person is actually comfortable, well-to-do, or contented with the situation he is in. comfort zone denotes a situation where a person wishes to change his fortune, but because of doubt and fear of the unknown, he chooses to remain in his present situation.

To such a person, it is better or more comfortable to remain in one’s present situation, no matter how unpleasant it may be, than to step out into a ‘probably’ worse situation.

Dear reader, do you find yourself in this kind of situation? You desire a positive change, you want to change your financial situation and yet, somehow you lack the courage to step out of your comfort zone?

You are not alone in this situation. Most people who achieve very little in life would testify that they never took risk by stepping out of their comfort zone.

They prefer doing nothing to attempting something and fail. Their opinion about failure is that failure is the worst thing to happen to them.

Dear reader, when you hold unto this kind of opinion, you may never be able to develop the courage to step out and do something worthwhile. NOTHING VENTURED, NOTHING GAINED.

To build the faith that calms every storm in your life, you must force yourself to take the first step. A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step. Until you take a step, nothing happens. STEPPING OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE IS THE STARTING POINT TO BUILDING THE FAITH THAT CALMS EVERY STORM ON THE SEA OF LIFE.

Don’t be afraid of failure. Failure is not a crime. In fact, it is better to try and fail than not to try at all. People who tried and failed stand a better chance to succeed than those who never tried at all.

Ponder this: The worst risk you will ever take is taking no risk at all. The biggest mistake you will ever make is making no mistake. Note also that fear of failure is the number one destiny destroyer.


When your mind is saturated with positive and optimistic thought, you will soon realize that taking steps of faith is as easy as ABC.

2. Face the Storm

The storm bows to no one except men and women of faith. On a certain day, Jesus and his disciples boarded a ship to cross to the other side of the sea. As they sailed, there arose storm which threatened to drown them. Jesus, who was asleep, was woken up by the cries of His disciples.

Jesus then faced the storm and rebuked it: “Peace be still.” And there was calm! Jesus’ reaction against His disciples’ attitude toward the storm shows the importance of faith in the midst of the storm.

To His disciples He said, “Why are ye so fearful? How is it that ye have no faith?

THE FAITH THAT CALMS THE STORM IS THE FAITH THAT REMAINS UNSHAKEN IN THE MIDST OF THE STORM. No amount of crying, wailing and worrying can calm the storm in your life. The only thing that can calm every storm in your life is FAITH.

Faith will do for you what weeping and crying cannot do. What Jesus expects us to do in time of storm was what he did on the stormy Sea of Galilee. He faced the storm and rebuked it. The next time you come face to face with the storm, rather than cry and weep, hold unto your faith believing that the storm will pass and it shall be so.

3. Measure the Storm By God

The faith that calms the storm is the faith that measures the storm by God. One big mistake we normally make whenever we are faced with problems is that we try to measure the problems by our capability.
In our mind, we imagine the problems as insurmountable and see ourselves as weaklings. On the stormy sea, Peter once walked on water to meet Jesus. When he saw the wind boisterous, he became afraid. He cried out and Jesus rescued Him.

Peter nearly drowned because he allowed fear to grip him. He tried to measure himself by the size of the storm. Seeing himself helpless in the midst of the storm, he knew he was in trouble.

Dear reader, whenever you encounter a problem that looks insurmountable, don’t measure the problem by your strength, if you do, you may drown. By your physical strength, you can do little or nothing. Don’t measure the storm by your power. Great victories are not won by physical and mental strength. The arms of flesh don’t always prevail in great battles.

The Bible says it is God that gives us victory (see 1 Cor. 15:57). It is God that gives us power to get wealth. Therefore, whenever you are confronted with the storm, measure the storm by God.

When you do this, you will begin to see the storm as insignificant before the Almighty God, the Creator of the universe and Creator of the storm itself, and consequently, your faith will increase.

THE FAITH THAT CALMS THE STORM IS THE FAITH THAT MEASURES THE STORM BY GOD. The secret of building the faith that calms every storm is to simply put your trust in God who is uncountable times bigger than any storm. In the Book of Jeremiah 32:27 God said, “Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me?”

Don’t trust in your own power and ability alone; trust in God’s power and ability. For, “by the arm of flesh shall no man prevail.” ONLY AN UNSHAKEABLE FAITH IN THE ALMIGHTY GOD CAN CALM EVERY STORM IN YOUR LIFE.

4. Focus on a Clear Coast

What will bring you the victory you desire faster is your focus on that victory. Focusing on victory does not mean you are denying the existence of the storm. Focusing on victory implies refusing to surrender to the storm.


The storm will always be contrary. Storm represents opposition, obstacle or problems that threaten to hinder you from getting to the other side where success and victory lie.

The storm may threaten to cause a shipwreck. The storm may slow down your rate of progress. The storm may slow down your effort in the pursuit of your endeavour, but don’t focus on them. learn to focus on victory that is at the other side.

The reason people get stuck and never achieve victory is that they focus too much on all the negative things that are happening in their lives.

By focusing on the negative, they lose sight of the victory that awaits them on the other side. People who focus on the negative end up destroying the faith they have been building over the years.

Victory comes to those who focus on victory. If you are going to be victorious in life, you have got to take your eyes off the negative, unpleasant situations and focus your mind on victory.

A clear coast is what you should keep seeing in your mind. Even when everything is going worse in your life, keep seeing a clear coast. Keep focusing on victory. As you do, you will have the victory you desire. Remember, it is what you expect that you get.

Remember also that no unpleasant condition is permanent. It may be bad, worse or worst today. The situation may look like a shipwreck situation and you may be wondering how you will be able to get out of it. You might have concluded that there is no hope anymore.

But listen: every storm in your life is expected to last only for a while. Every storm has its lifespan. No storm is expected to continue forever. You may not know and in fact you don’t need to know when the storm will pass. WHAT IS HOWEVER REQUIRED OF YOU IS TO HOLD ON TO THE HOPE THAT AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME, THE STORM WILL CALM.
5. Exercise Patience

In developing the faith that calms the storm, you need patience. When you have patience, you will have everything you desire. Patience is necessary for developing the faith that calms the storm. John Avanzine said, “PATIENCE IS THE BATTERY THAT RUNS THE CLOCK OF FAITH.”

Can you keep working, hoping and waiting, PATIENTLY, for the storm to pass? Or will you allow the storm to frustrate and discourage you from making progress in life?

Dear reader, the secret of building the faith that calms the storm has been handed to you in this article and it is summed up as follows:

a.    Launch out by stepping out of your comfort zone. A journey of a thousand miles begins with just one step;

b.   Face the storm. Refuse to be frightened by the storm. The storm bows ONLY to men and women of faith who confront it;

c.    Don’t measure the storm by yourself, measure it by God because it is ONLY God that gives us victory; and

d.   Focus on a clear coast. Regardless of the raging of the storm, focus on victory and speak victory over the storm.

Till I come your way soon, go and build the faith that will calm every storm in your life! Go and live victoriously!    

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