Monday, 17 February 2014

Success Code

There is a success code that works and all you need do to succeed is to crack this code. What is this success code and how can you crack it? How can you use this success code to open every door of success that is shut against you?
This success code became very clear to me some time ago after listening to a programme on Kapital FM Radio, FCT-Abuja in 2012. In that programme, an official of the Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) of Nigeria was being interviewed. And while advising motorists, he said: “Whenever you are on the road, always remind yourself that you are the only sane person on the road. Therefore, always apply sound judgment when you drive. Don’t go wrong when others go wrong.”
After a deep meditation on the advice of the FRSC official, I came to the conclusion that the advice is relevant not only to road users but to all of us in every areas of our lives.
The fact is, you cannot exist, function or succeed in isolation. At one point in time or the other, we must interact with others. It does not matter whether you are an extrovert or an introvert.  What matters is how you relate with others.
This is the code you must crack before you can achieve lasting success and fulfillment. WHEN YOU KNOW HOW TO RELATE WELL WITH PEOPLE, DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY WILL BE OPENED FOR YOU.
Don’t try to exist in isolation. Learn to relate well with people. Learn to talk with and listen to people when you have the opportunity. You may not have to go out and start running with the bats and flying with the birds, for that will make it difficult for you to crack the success code.
What is necessary is that at every opportunity when you have to relate with people, relate well with them. However, the question that readily comes to mind is this: how can we relate well with people? Or put it in another way: how can we crack the success code and enjoy fulfillment?
Below are four lessons you must imbibe to enable you crack the success code:
1.   Understand that No Man is an Island
To crack the success code, you must realize that no man is an island. You are not created to exist in isolation. You are created to exist, function and thrive with others. Just as the highway is not meant for only one motorist, so it is with your existence on earth. You need to realize that you are created to exist, to function and thrive with people.
And if you agree that you are expected to function and thrive with people, you would equally agree with me that how you relate with people goes a long way in determining the height you will reach in life.
When you realize that you are not an island, then you have to take it that human relationship plays a key role in your success in life. Don’t strive to succeed in isolation. Realize that there are others striving to achieve the same success you are striving to achieve. Realize that you cannot succeed at the expense of others. Awareness of this will help you to avoid greed, cheating and all vices that may ultimately work against your success in life.
2.   We are Not Identical
Scientists have made us to understand that no two persons can be completely identical. They gave an illustration that among siblings and twins, you cannot find any two that are completely identical.
The world population is presently about seven billion, yet you can still not find two persons that are completely identical. And because we are not identical, we are different in our character, personality, habit and mannerisms.
The implication of these differences is that we find it difficult to relate well with others. Our human imperfections also combine to make excellent human relationship difficult.
Be that as it may, relating well with people is not an impossible task. Although we are imperfect, there is room for improvement in our human relationship. So, to strive for improvement in our human relationship, you must realize that you are not and cannot be completely identical with others.
This implies that you should not expect others to be as well-behaved as you are. We all have our good and bad habits. We are not identical, yet, we must learn to relate well with each other, if we must be successful and fulfilled.
3.   Don’t Go Wrong with Others
It was Roger Babson that said: “When things go wrong, don’t go wrong with them.” on the road to success, many things will go wrong just as many thing will go wrong on the highway. Most of these wrongs may be caused by others.
Even when you are on the right track and you are not perpetrating some “wrong,” this does not stop others from getting on the wrong track and hinder your success. On the road to success, as you drive safely, realize that others may not do same.
On the road to success, remind yourself that you are the only sane person. Others may go off the track. Their actions may offend or affect you negatively. Their actions may affect your goals and destiny, but do not be overwhelmed to the point of going off the right track.
Don’t lose your head when others lose their head. Don’t go gaga when others go gaga. When there is fire outbreak, do you fight fire with fire? No, you don’t! If you fight fire with fire, you would never win the fight. “Two wrongs,” they say, “cannot make a right.” When things go wrong, please, do not go wrong with them.
4.   Tolerance is the Key
When you REALLY understand that no man is an island, that we are not identical, and that others may offend or oppress us; then, you also need to understand that what you need to be victorious is TOLERANCE.
This nine-letter word, T-O-L-E-R-A-N-C-E, is the Master Key you need to crack the success code. Tolerance is a perfect solution to human problems. Tolerance on the part of every person can bring peace on earth and where there is peace, there will be progress as well.
I have always believed that God has given us the solution to every problem we face on earth. The only problem is with us. More often than not, we know what to do to win in the game of life, but doing it is what is difficult for us. No wonder, the Bible says, “Be ye doers and not hearers only.”
Dear reader, the Master Key is in your hand. Tolerance is the master key. TOLERANCE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO CRACK THE SUCCESS CODE. You need to work on your relationship with others. Don’t create enmity. Don’t build walls; build bridges.
One of Jesus’ disciples once asked Jesus how many times in a day he could forgive his brother who kept offending him. Jesus replied: “Seventy times seven.” That is a total of 490 times each day! But it appears one person cannot offend another 490 times a day. I think Jesus teaching here is on TOLERANCE.
We should learn to tolerate each other. IF GOD IS TOLERATING US IN SPITE OF OUR SINS, WE SHOULD ALSO LEARN TO TOLERATE EACH OTHER. Human relationship is essential for our success. It is the success code and what you need to crack this code is TOLERANCE.
Go and practice tolerance today. You can never achieve true success until you do.
And until I come your way soon, go and live victoriously!



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