Monday, 24 February 2014

How to Create Your Own Success Path

One of the greatest gifts given to us by God is the ability to thrive under seemingly worse economic situations. From time immemorial, man continues to survive adverse economic conditions. Many have prospered in times of depression and global economic meltdown.
This ability to prosper in the midst of harsh economic climate is anchored on God’s mandate to man to be “fruitful and multiply on earth.” Without this ability, you cannot fulfill God’s mandate. In order to fulfill this mandate, God gave every person the ability to thrive under all conditions.
Often, we tend to give excuses for our failure in life. We try to blame others for our present predicament. But we fail to realize that all we need to succeed in life have been given to us by God. We only need to deploy them and create our own success path and walk into prosperity.
Years ago (early 2012), BBC Radio interviewed a Cameroonian, Thiery Yamen, who revealed how to use one’s God-given ability to rise to prominence and prosperity in times of hardship. Yamen had a Post-graduate degree in Agricultural Mechanization which he bagged in Ukraine.  
After returning to Cameroon, his country, Yamen spent a great deal of time looking for employment but he could not get any. All the companies in Cameroon refused to employ him. In his desperation for survival and success, Yamen opted for taxi driving. He also worked as a mechanic.
Later, Yamen came up with the idea of producing a unique food supplement which he sold to his country people. The supplement is groundnut powder which he mixed with soya bean pap to make the combination a highly nutritious food.
As he went about selling this unique product, people thought he was a mad man. They could not imagine how a post graduate with repository of knowledge could take to selling food. But he never allowed this to bother him. He kept on producing and marketing the soya bean pap enriched with groundnut powder to people in the streets.
Yamen saw bright prospect in the production and marketing of the food supplement and planned to go into large-scale production and marketing of the product. But he could not afford the capital needed to expand his business.
He sought ways he could expand his business until he finally got ten million Franc (about two hundred thousand US Dollars). With this amount, Yamen established his factory and went into large-scale production. Today, this formerly jobless Cameroonian has become a highly successful entrepreneur and employer of labour.
Dear reader, the secret of creating your own success path is deploying your God-given ability. Below are steps you must take to create your own success path:
1.   Take Your Destiny into Your Hands
The starting point to creating the path to success is realizing that your destiny is in your hand. Your destiny is not in the hand of the government, the employers, or any individual or institution; your destiny is in your hands and in your hand alone.
Awareness of this truth is important because it helps you to take the responsibility of turning your life around. You don’t need to wait or depend on any person or institution to create your success.
NOTHING WILL HAPPEN UNTIL YOU MAKE IT HAPPEN. Everything about your life will remain at a standstill and success will remain elusive until you get up and take the bull by the horn.
KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND GET UP AND GO FOR IT. Mike Murdock said: “The proof of desire is pursuit.” Thiery Yamen knew what he wanted. He desired outstanding success and he went for it. He took the responsibility of creating his own success path.
2.   Believe You Can Prosper in Any Situation
In times of depression, some people prosper while others don’t. The reason is not because life is fair to some and unfair to others. Far from it! Life is fair to all. The present hard times should not be seen as signs of life’s unfairness to us. The issue of life can be likened to the rain and sunshine. We all perceive, see and feel them. Our problem is not the rain or sunshine. Our problem is ourselves.
When God asked the children of Israel to get up and possess the Promised Land, some people believed that with God’s help, they would conquer the inhabitants and possess the land. Others never believed they could conquer the inhabitants and possess the Promised Land. Those who didn’t believe perished in the wilderness.
So, the problem is not the worse economic situation, the strength of the opposition or the plethora of obstacles confronting you. The problem is your belief system. If your belief is hinged on negativity, it would become very hard to survive in hard times.
But if you believe that you will prosper even in the midst of harsh economic condition, you would develop the power needed to bulldoze everything that is standing on your way to success. 
Belief (faith) is what you need to thrive in times of depression. Yamen’s success secret can be traced to his belief in his ability to prosper in times of adversity. It is this belief that gingered him to fight for survival by first taking to taxi driving and mechanic work before moving up higher into prosperity.
Only those who have faith can summon up courage to fight for survival and prosper. But the faithless are incapacitated by doubt and unbelief, and are at the mercy of life’s circumstances. Dear reader, if you want to prosper in hard times, you must have a strong and unshakeable faith in God and in your ability to prosper.
3.   Avoid Giving Excuses
Excuses are what we make or give when we don’t want to accept responsibility for our failure. Everybody knows how to fix the problem, but not everybody wants to know how to fix the problem.
If there is anything that will hinder our progress in life, it is excuses. Instead of getting up and doing something about our situation, we mould blocks of excuses and use them to build wall of limitation, hindering us from making progress in life.  
To create success path for ourselves, it is important that we stop giving excuses and start taking responsibility for everything that happens in our lives. Even if the reasons for our failures are glaring, it is still not proper to keep dwelling on them and use them as excuses for not making progress in life.
Successful people are not excuse makers; they are responsibility takers. Yamen did not waste his precious time blaming the government of his country, companies, individuals or institutions for his joblessness.
Rather, he judiciously used his time to embark on worthwhile venture which later brought him fame and fortune. The secret of creating the path to success is to avoid giving excuses and start taking responsibility. When you do this, you increase your speed of progress.
4.   Come Up with a Unique Idea
One secret of Yamen’s success is that he came up with a unique idea. He considered adding value to soya bean pap by enriching it with groundnut powder.
What makes a product unique is not necessarily that there are no similar products in the market. What makes a product or service unique is the VALUE. What distinguishes you from other competitors is the value you add to your product or service. A product or service that will be in high and constant demand is one that is packed with GENUINE value. Nobody wants a mediocre product or service. If you can make your product or service unique by adding more value to it, you are sure of outstanding success even in a highly competitive market. Yamen’s success in the marketplace can be traced to the unique product he brought to the market.
Dear reader, can you come up with a unique product or service? Can you think of any value you can render which people will be willing to pay for? Ideas are the starting point to great accomplishment. American multi billionaire and former US presidential aspirant, Ross Perot, said: “One single idea can make you live like a king for the rest of your life.”
When you are at crossroads, what you must do to survive and prosper is to THINK. When you want solution to the problems confronting you, just sit down and think.
Your mind is perhaps the greatest asset given to you by God. With it, you can think your way out of any difficult situation. You need not be at the mercy of life’s circumstances. You can live like a king for the rest of your life. You need not be overwhelmed by ANY circumstance. All you need do to turn things around is to sit down and think. IF YOU CAN SIT DOWN AND THINK, YOU WILL SURELY COME UP WITH UNIQUE IDEAS THAT WILL DISTINGUISH YOU IN THE MARKETPLACE.
5.   Start from Somewhere
Someone said recently: “The era of starting a business with small capital is gone.” I respectfully defer from the opinion of this man. As a motivational writer, I know that this is not completely true. While adequate capital can help a business to start off very quickly, it does not determine the success of that business.
I BELIEVE THE DETERMINING FACTOR FOR THE SUCCESS IN ANY BUSINESS OR UNDERTAKING IS THE ABILITY TO JUDICIOUSLY MANAGE THE RESOURCES AT ONE’S DISPOSAL. This implies that even when you have enough capital, if the capital is not judiciously managed, the business is bound to collapse.
So, in the final analysis, what matters most is not the size of the capital but the managerial ability. The better advice, therefore, is that you can start from where you are and with the little at your disposal. For Yamen, he started from the scratch. To survive, he became a taxi driver, moved on to become a mechanic. And because he was progressive minded, he later came up with his unique product – soya bean pap mixed with groundnut powder. 
It is not bad to start small. It is not where you are coming from that matters, but where you are going. However, don’t remain small. Determine to grow bigger.
6.   See the Brighter Side and Grow Bigger
It was Eleanor Roosevelt who said: “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” REGARDLESS OF THE ECONOMIC SITUATION IN YOUR COUNTRY, YOU CAN MAKE IT. You have to be optimistic about life. If others are making it, there is nothing stopping you from making it.
If you are not violating the laws of God and the laws of man, then, there is nothing stopping you from making it in life. IN FACT, WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND YOU ARE WILLING TO GIVE IT WHATEVER IT TAKES, THE UNIVERSE WILL CONSPIRE TO GRANT YOUR REQUEST.
You have to be optimistic all the time and keep looking at the positive side of life. Start planning bigger. You may not know how you are going to get the money to finance or execute your plan. But as you keep planning and strategizing, one day, a door of opportunity to expand your business will be opened unto you.
7.   Seek and Ye Shall find
Another success secret of Yamen is the financial assistance he got. He was given the sum of Ten Million Cameroon Franc (about two hundred thousand US dollars). With this money, he was able to expand his business and operate on a large scale.
When you have reached a stage when you can no longer carry on your business singlehandedly; when you can no longer cope with the high demand for your product or service, then, you need to consider expanding your business by embarking on a large scale production. This may require huge capital which you may not have at the moment.
However, you can seek financial assistance in terms of loan from financial institutions or individuals. On the other hand, you may look for rich investors who will be willing to partner with you and provide the capital for expansion.
It is also advisable that you consult a financial consultant or lawyer before seeking financial assistance or seeking to partner with a rich investor.
In conclusion, “do not follow where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” The key to massive success is creating a path for yourself, walking through the path and bursting into success. This is what you should do to thrive even in the midst of adverse economic situation.
Until I come your way soon, go and create your own success path and walk through that path. You will come out victorious in the end!

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