Monday, 15 September 2014

Go Hard or Go Extinct!

My apology to internet marketer, Mr. Pat Ogidi for using his slogan as the title for this article. I must recall that each time I receive an email from Ogidi, the last sentence I would find at the end of his email is: Go hard, or go extinct.
I believe Ogidi’s letter is pregnant with lessons for every serious success seeker. We are all aware that life is not a bed of roses. We are equally aware that life will not give us what we want until we pay the price.
Although we are all aware that life is not easy, the manner we deal with life’s issues leave much to be desired. We all want to be highly successful but we don’t want to follow the GENUINE path that lead to success. We waste our precious time looking for the easy path.
Our attitude towards our studies, job and everything we are doing is the same – we always look for the easy path. We don’t want to put in the necessary effort. We don’t want to stretch ourselves or go the extra mile to get what we want. All we want is the easy way.
But can we find the easy that leads to success? Whenever I travelled either down south or northward, I usually observe a common scenario which depicts our desperation for the easy life.
On our roads, I usually see able-bodied youths holding hoes on one hand and beckoning motorists with the other hand to give them money for helping to level potholes and maintaining the road. These youths may do a little repair of the road actually, but they kept standing on the road every day demanding money from motorists.
These able-bodied youths, who should be in the farm, school or in a business doing something more meaningful, take to the road because they think it is easier to earn money leveling potholes on our roads. Our cities are filled with able-bodied jobless youths who migrated from villages in search of white-collar jobs, which are scarce.
The idea of SELF EMPLOYMENT doesn’t appeal to many of our able-bodies jobless youths, because they feel it is a risky and difficult path. Many of us want to achieve great success in life, but we don’t want to follow the true path. Instead, we are always in search of the easy path.
Go Hard!
The hard path is the true path. You can never achieve anything meaningful unless you take the hard path. The hard path you have been running away from is the path that leads to success. There is no easy path to success. Frank A Clark said, “If you find a pth with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.”
The fact is that life is not easy. It has never been easy and it is not likely going to be easy in future. God never promised us heaven on earth. Please run away from deception. Run away from any person that promises you paradise on earth.
Jesus said in the world we shall have tribulation but that we should cheer up for He had overcome the world. Victory is what Jesus promised us, not problem-free or battle-free life. now, there cannot be victory without battle. If Jesus promised us victory, then, it means we are definitely going to fight before He grants us the victory.
In the game of life, there is no walk over. Your path to victory is littered with strong oppositions who are bent on denying you the best that God has packaged for you. If you want victory, you must be ready to fight.
Are you facing a challenge that looks insurmountable? Then, go hard! Is failiure or defeat dogging your footsteps? Then, go hard!
Develop the Strength to Go Hard
To go hard you must have the strength. How do you develop strength for hardness? Below are steps you can take to develop strength for victorious living:
1.   Shun Laziness
The path to success is the path of hard work. There are no two ways about it. There is no such thing as “something for nothing.” If you desire anything in life, you must be ready to work for it. Never sit down and fold your arms waiting for success to come. Success doesn’t come by waiting; it comes by working.
If there is anything God hates, it is laziness. God worked to create the universe and He sets the example for us to follow. His Word, the Bible commands us to be hard-working and not to be lazy.
Elsewhere in the Bible, it is written: “Let not your hands be weak for your work shall be rewarded.” In every labour, there is profit. God doesn’t rewards lazy hands; He rewards only diligent hands. The Bible also says, “He that tilleth his land shall have plenty.” There is assurance of plenty for anyone that tills his land.
Your own “land” is the work you do to earn a living. Reward and promotion are the direct result of your diligence and commitment to your work. Today, make up your mind to shunlaziness as it leads to extinction. Go hard, my friend, go hard.
2.   Affirm Your Ability to Do and Be
The truth is, God has given you the ability, power and potentialities for becoming the best that He wants you to be. Before you were born, God has already equipped you with the power you need for victorious living. But unfortunately, you often allow your negative attitude to shut down this awesome power.
Our attitude can be likened to the ON/OFF button of the computer. The “ON” part of the button is our positive attitude; while the “OFF” part of the button is our negative attitude. When we press the “ON” part of the button, we release the power needed to accomplish whatever we set out to do. But when we press the “OFF” button, we shut down our power for great accomplishment.
One irony that is worthy of note is that as awesome as our God-given power is, it can be shut down by our negative attitude, making us look helpless and hopeless before any person or thing that confronts us.
The way we shut down our power is by negative attitude. For instance, when you have a goal you wish to achieve, and you keep saying to yourself, “I don’t think have the ability to do it. I cannot do it;” or when you keep saying to yourself, “Because of the enemies or obstacles on my way, I cannot make it in life,” you automatically shut down your brain, ability and potentialities.  
The fact is, when you keep confessing negatively about your life and future, you are not likely going to develop and sustain the interest and enthusiasm that will carry you through to the accomplishment of your goal in life.
One way great way you can turn on your power for great accomplishment is to constantly affirm the positive. It is a spiritual principle that works for any person who cares to practice it. The Bible says, “Let the weak say I am strong.”
You don’t become strong by confessing your weakness; you become strong by constantly confessing that you are strong. It is in confessing strength that you ginger your God-given power to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.
Always say to yourself:

  • I am strong. I am brilliant. I can achieve whatever goal I set for myself.

  • God has equipped me for every battle that comes my way.

  • For every challenge, God has guaranteed my victory. My faith is the victory that overcomes the world.

3.   Endure Hardness
To be successful in life, you must go hard. And to go hard, you must be hard. The Bible says we should endure hardness as a good soldier of Christ.
Are you wearied? Are you discouraged? Are you waxing weaker and weaker? Are you thinking of quitting? Then, listen: there is strength for the weak. There is power for the powerless. There is hope for the hopeless.
The Bible says: “Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? There is no searching of his understanding. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength.” (Isaiah 40:28-29).
There is strength to be tapped, power to be acquired and hope to be revived when you connect with the Creator. “To them that have no might he increaseth strength.”  Do you need power for victorious living? Do you need strength for great accomplishment?
Then, turn to God and ask Him for it. Ask Him for the strength and power you need to be up and victorious now and always! And until I come your way soon, I urge you to go hard for life will never be easy until you do!  

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