Monday, 27 January 2014

Si, Se Puede! Believe It and You Will Achieve It! (2)

Welcome to part two of this article. One of the battles we must constantly fight is the battle against doubt/unbelief. Anytime we want to embark on a worthwhile project, doubt normally creeps into our mind, telling us that we cannot accomplish it.
If we accept this fallacy and hold unto it as a fact, it will incapacitate us and thus make us unable to achieve what we set out to achieve. But if we reject it as a fallacy and refuse to believe it, we will, despite all odds, go on to achieve our worthwhile project.
Mount Everest, one of the tallest mountains in the world, remained invincible until Alfred Tennyson and his other team members conquered it. After eventually climbing it, they were asked the major challenge they had when they were climbing the mountain.
They responded that the major challenge they overcame was the thought that kept whispering to them that they could not climb it. They said it was not the climbing of the mountain that was the major problem, but the thought that kept saying they could not climb it.
Doubt: the Cemetery of Potential Stars
Every man, every woman that walks across the face of the earth is loaded with unlimited potentialities. With these unlimited potentialities, there is nothing we set out to achieve that we cannot achieve.
But as we go about making effort to achieve our set goal, we will encounter challenges that will try to truncate our effort. One of these challenges, and in fact the major challenge, is DOUBT. What makes doubt a major challenge is that you don’t overcome it once and for all. It keeps coming and going. You keep fighting it until you achieve your set goal.
Doubt becomes a monster to overcome when you are striving to achieve a difficult task. For many years, Mount Everest remained insurmountable. Many tried and failed. Many lost their lives while trying to climb to the top. It remained an insoluble puzzle!
But along came another team of highly determined individuals who were ready to lay down their lives. It was either they climbed Mount Everest or they die. As determined as they were, there was a monster that kept raising its ugly head, telling them that they could not climb the mountain because it was impossible.
Alfred Tennyson and his other friends were aware of previous failed attempt by some highly determined individuals. They were aware that many people lost their lives while trying to “conquer” Mount Everest. The awareness of all these made the monster (doubt) look bigger than it was.
Anytime their energy were sapping due to exhaustion, the monster would whisper: “Ha ha, I told you: I said you can’t climb it. People that are mightier than you have tried and failed. Count the number of people that lost their lives while trying to climb it. People that are mightier than you have tried and failed. If you don’t want to be disgraced, you better quit and go back home quietly.”
Voices! Negative voices! These were the challenges they had to overcome before they could climb Mount Everest. Doubts are monsters that strive to dampen the enthusiasm of potential victors. Doubts are faith killers. They can kill your faith if you embrace them, believe them and act on them. To guarantee your success, you MUST overcome doubt, which is the major challenge confronting you in anything you wish to achieve on earth. Never let doubt become your cemetery.
Overcoming Doubt
Doubt is the tool the devil uses to destroy your faith. The devil cannot do you anything until he first destroys your faith. And that is why you must guard your heart with all diligence.
To overcome doubt, it is important to realize that is not a once-and-for-all fight. If it were so, no one would be a failure in life, because almost everybody can silence or overcome doubt on the first few occasions when they show up. But when they bombard the mind intermittently, only few persons can confront the bombardment, crush it and proceed to overcome the doubt.
The battle against doubt is a battle you must keep fighting until you achieve your set goal. As long as you have not yet achieved your goal, you must fight and keep fighting any doubt that will come to undermine your effort.
Whether you like it or not, doubt will keep coming. As a destroyer of destiny, if you embrace it, it would kill your faith. And once your faith is killed, you become vulnerable to the onslaught of satan.
The important question to answer is: how can one overcome doubt and go on to achieve one’s goal? To overcome doubt, you can practice the following instructions:
1.   Cultivate Positive Attitude
If you have become used to talking negatively, thinking negatively, behaving negatively and listening to negative people, then, now is the time to break away from this negative lifestyle.
And the way to do this is to start thinking positively. But note that you cannot start thinking positively until you realize that negative lifestyle is destructive and that you are willing to do away with it.
Also take note that it takes constant practice to do away with negative habits. That said, let us now proceed to consider how to cultivate positive attitude that will help carry you through every unpleasant situation.
In the field of motivation, the basic lesson for cultivating positive attitude is affirming positive statements. We are used to making negative statements. Let us now learn to make positive statements all the time. For instance, if you are used to saying:
a.   “I cannot make it. Things are hard;”
b.   “There are enemies working against my success;” and
c.   “If I can’t make it this time, I can never make it again.”
Then, start affirming as follows:
a.   “No matter how difficult the situation, I will make it because God has equipped me with unlimited potentialities for achieving great success in life;”
b.   “God is using my enemies to promote and lift me up. The world is conspiring to prosper me;” and
c.   “I will keep trying until I succeed. I will never give up.”
Write the above positive statements on a sheet of paper or on cards. Recite each of them 10 times every morning and 10 times every night before you retire to your bed. Keep on doing these until these statements become part and parcel of you.
2.   Review Your Goals
When things are not going well contrary to your expectation, doubt/unbelief may set in. you may begin to question why you take the decision in the first place. Many negative thoughts will whisper to you and cause you to doubt or disbelieve.
Times like these are not times when you should give in to discouragement or quit. They are times when you just have to sit down and review your goals. Do you still believe in your goals despite the fact that things are not working the way you expect?
There is always a period like this in the life of every truly successful person. And during this period, their faith in the venture they are undertaking is tried and tested in the crucible. founder, Jeff Bezos once found himself in this kind of adverse situation. When he started, things didn’t work out as he expected. The prospects were not coming. In that moment of discouragement, he and his team would sit down and review their goals and plans and would ask themselves whether they still believe in their goals.
Anytime they reviewed their goal, they always came to the conclusion that they still believe in their goal and this gave them the power to continue with their business until the tide turned in their favour.
Dear reader, the lesson from the conquest of Mount Everest is that on your way to stardom, the main challenge you will face is the negative thought that keeps telling you that you cannot make it. Doubt/unbelief is the greatest challenge you will encounter on your way to success.
Your battle with doubt/unbelief is a constant battle. They will keep hitting you hard and telling you to quit. But if you must be victorious at last, you must keep trading punches with doubt/unbelief until you achieve your goal in life.
The way to trade punches with doubt/unbelief is to:

  • Cultivate positive attitude that will help carry you through unpleasant situations; and

  • Review your goal constantly in order to strengthen your resolve.

The message to you once again is: si, se puede! Yes, it is possible! Yes, you can! Yes, you are able! The main challenge is your belief system. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT, YOU WILL ACHIEVE IT.
Start working on your mind today by cultivating positive attitude. Constantly undermine the negative thoughts that will keep coming to discourage and demoralize you. Think positively always and believe that you can achieve any goal you set for yourself.
Until I come your way soon, go and fill your life with faith! Go and live victoriously!

Monday, 20 January 2014

The Fundamentals of Making Money Online

In making money online, it is important to note that there are certain foundations you must lay. Where these foundations are not properly laid, it may be difficult to make money on the long run.
On the short-term, any person can make some little money online without laying the necessary foundations, but to really make money online, you must lay solid foundation that will carry you through on the long run. Below are three foundations you should establish to guarantee long-term online success:
1.   Maintain a Platform
Although it is possible to make money online without owning a platform (website or blog), if you really want to earn a living constantly online, you must own and maintain a website or blog where you showcase your products/services and place your sales tools.
Your platform should contain enough information about your business, products/services and about yourself to enable prospects connect with you before they eventually choose to patronize your business.
When you have a platform where people can come and get necessary information about your products/services and about yourself, you are establishing your brand.
Note that everything you do on your website or blog, ranging from the design, the blog theme, the navigation pattern, the structure, to the content, go a long way in creating a great impression in the mind of the people who visit your platform.
Bearing that in mind, you should ensure you have an attractive and compelling website or blog.
2.   Build a Good Reputation
There is no gainsaying the fact that there are fraudsters on the Internet. Their activities are worse than previous times. This makes prospects to be skeptical of webmasters and bloggers.
Be that as it may, if you can desist from sharp practices and concentrate on delivering value, you stand to gain in the long run. Scammers and fraudsters may make money in the short-term through deception but they don’t last long before being discovered.
To really make money online with peace of mind, you must build a good reputation by being honest and transparent in your business. You can hardly sell online without convincing prospects that you can deliver what you promised to deliver.
In building good reputation, you should take the following into consideration:

  • Take the interest of prospects into consideration. The customer is king. Don’t make a promise without fulfilling it. If you cannot fulfil your promise, don’t make any.

  • Promote and sell only products/services that deliver GENUINE value. Be known for quality. You build your reputation fast when your customers have no cause to complain about what you sell to them.

  • Don’t claim to be an expert in a particular field if you are not. Don’t claim to know what you don’t know. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. It pays to be honest. When it matters most, it is honest persons that people always turn to. Become that honest internet marketer that prospects are looking for.

3.   Focus on the Long Run
 If your focus is to come online to amass millions for yourself within a short time, then, you must do a rethink. Every successful internet marketer knows that it takes time to start making money online. It takes time to be known and discovered by prospects. It takes time to market yourself. It takes time to build online reputation.
The truth is: before you start earning huge income constantly on the internet, you have to be on the internet for years. Remember, prospects will not start patronizing you the very moment they discover your site. They have to keep visiting your site to see the advertisement of your products/services for a long time before they finally take the decision to buy.
You focus should, therefore, be on the long haul. Resist the temptation to shut down your site because of little or no patronage. In the short-term, it is always like that – low patronage.
Every successful blogger will tell you that they experienced low patronage initially. But as years passed by, they begin to notice remarkable improvement. If you are patient enough to stay longer online, say five years or more, you would definitely record higher sales.
Like offline businesses, online businesses require patience. It takes time to become a market leader. If you are patient enough, you would achieve great success in your online business.


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