Monday, 20 January 2014

The Fundamentals of Making Money Online

In making money online, it is important to note that there are certain foundations you must lay. Where these foundations are not properly laid, it may be difficult to make money on the long run.
On the short-term, any person can make some little money online without laying the necessary foundations, but to really make money online, you must lay solid foundation that will carry you through on the long run. Below are three foundations you should establish to guarantee long-term online success:
1.   Maintain a Platform
Although it is possible to make money online without owning a platform (website or blog), if you really want to earn a living constantly online, you must own and maintain a website or blog where you showcase your products/services and place your sales tools.
Your platform should contain enough information about your business, products/services and about yourself to enable prospects connect with you before they eventually choose to patronize your business.
When you have a platform where people can come and get necessary information about your products/services and about yourself, you are establishing your brand.
Note that everything you do on your website or blog, ranging from the design, the blog theme, the navigation pattern, the structure, to the content, go a long way in creating a great impression in the mind of the people who visit your platform.
Bearing that in mind, you should ensure you have an attractive and compelling website or blog.
2.   Build a Good Reputation
There is no gainsaying the fact that there are fraudsters on the Internet. Their activities are worse than previous times. This makes prospects to be skeptical of webmasters and bloggers.
Be that as it may, if you can desist from sharp practices and concentrate on delivering value, you stand to gain in the long run. Scammers and fraudsters may make money in the short-term through deception but they don’t last long before being discovered.
To really make money online with peace of mind, you must build a good reputation by being honest and transparent in your business. You can hardly sell online without convincing prospects that you can deliver what you promised to deliver.
In building good reputation, you should take the following into consideration:

  • Take the interest of prospects into consideration. The customer is king. Don’t make a promise without fulfilling it. If you cannot fulfil your promise, don’t make any.

  • Promote and sell only products/services that deliver GENUINE value. Be known for quality. You build your reputation fast when your customers have no cause to complain about what you sell to them.

  • Don’t claim to be an expert in a particular field if you are not. Don’t claim to know what you don’t know. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. It pays to be honest. When it matters most, it is honest persons that people always turn to. Become that honest internet marketer that prospects are looking for.

3.   Focus on the Long Run
 If your focus is to come online to amass millions for yourself within a short time, then, you must do a rethink. Every successful internet marketer knows that it takes time to start making money online. It takes time to be known and discovered by prospects. It takes time to market yourself. It takes time to build online reputation.
The truth is: before you start earning huge income constantly on the internet, you have to be on the internet for years. Remember, prospects will not start patronizing you the very moment they discover your site. They have to keep visiting your site to see the advertisement of your products/services for a long time before they finally take the decision to buy.
You focus should, therefore, be on the long haul. Resist the temptation to shut down your site because of little or no patronage. In the short-term, it is always like that – low patronage.
Every successful blogger will tell you that they experienced low patronage initially. But as years passed by, they begin to notice remarkable improvement. If you are patient enough to stay longer online, say five years or more, you would definitely record higher sales.
Like offline businesses, online businesses require patience. It takes time to become a market leader. If you are patient enough, you would achieve great success in your online business.


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