Monday 28 March 2016

Take a Step of Faith!

Everything we want to achieve on earth requires some amount of faith – faith in God to see us through, faith in our ability to make it and faith in the fact that when we have done the best we can, we will attain the height we have set for ourselves achieve.
Now, the journey to success begins with a step. A Chines proverb says, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.” If we have not taken any step yet towards the accomplishment of our set-goal, we have not yet begun. Although we all desire to succeed, success will remain a mirage unless we are ready to take a step forward.
One of the reasons many people are not stepping out to pursue their set-goal is fear of failure. Even after they have done all the research, came out with a feasibility study and a concrete practical plan for achieving their goal, they are still held down with the fear of failure.
If we have finished all the preparation concerning our journey to success and we are still not getting up to begin the journey, it could be that we are being held down by fear of failure. Fear of failure arises either from negative ideas and thoughts from our mind or from those of others.
Such negative thoughts as “What if I fail?” “I don’t think I can  make it,” “If I get up to try, my enemies would not allow me to make it;”  or “No matter how long I try, I will continue to fail,” “No person in in family has ever achieved this, I cannot achieve it,” have paralysed many people who desire to achieve worthwhile goals.
Negative thoughts are always the causes of fear. Once a negative thought is entertained, believed and held tenaciously to in the mind, it will eventually invite fear into your mind and this fear will continue to diminish your faith until it freezes you and hold you back from taking steps towards achieving your set goal.
The Bible says: “Fear has torment.” (I John 4:18). The starting point to achieving your set-goal is dealing with the fear of failure that will try to hold you down from taking a step forward.
How do we deal with the fear of failure? Or put in another way, how do we cultivate faith that will ginger us to venture out and pursue our goal?
Below are three practical steps you must take to overcome fear of failure and start taking the step of faith required for the accomplishment of your goal:
1.   Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
Philip D’ Amour once told his team of engineers: “Unless you are willing to fail miserably, you will never have a go at success.” The fact is, there is no big big deal about failure. Sure, we may fail many times before we succeed. But if we are afraid to fail, we will never get up and  try. And if we don’t get up to try, we can never succeed in life.
Perhaps, you have tried once or many times and failed and you don’t want to get up to try again. Well, everyone will feel the same way, but it is those that are never afraid to keep failing until they make it that will succeed in the end.
You just have to settle it in your mind that you may fail many times before you succeed. The wisdom in taking steps of faith is that you don’t know when success will come. If you stop trying, success will keep eluding you. So, success comes to those who keep trying. If you fail, get up and try again. Keep doing that until you succeed.
2.   Understand that Trials Do Show Up in Our Faith Walk
The Bible says: “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” (2 Cor. 5:7). Now, walking by faith does not necessarily make life rosy. When we walk by faith, we should expect that our faith will be tried.
Jesus once told his disciples, “Let us go over unto the other side of the lake.” They boarded the ship and took off. That is step of faith. But, as Jesus slept in the boat, there came a storm which threatened to drown them. (Luke 8:22-23). That is trial of faith. When we exercise faith, we should expect that storm will come to try our faith.
In the midst of the storm, Jesus’ disciples cried out to him, “Master, Master, we perish.” Jesus woke up and rebuked the storm and there was calm. (Luke 8:24). Jesus’ remark about His disciples’ unbelief is worthy of note: “And he said unto them, where is your faith?” (Luke 8:25).
It is our faith in the midst of the storm that matters. It requires faith to launch out. It equally requires faith to hold on when trials show up. When we understand that trials do show up anytime we take a step of faith, then, we should be well prepared to face every storm that threatens to drown us.
3.   Take a Dangerous Step that Will Make You Shout, “Lord, Help Me.”
Since you can never succeed until you get up to try, then, you have no choice than to get up and launch out. So, in spite of your fears, in spite of your doubt, in spite of other people’s negative prediction that you will fail, step out anyhow and anyway. After all, those negative people are not God. It is only God that will crown your effort with success. And God is ready to crown your effort with success, if only you take a step of faith.
Like Peter who walked on water to meet Jesus on the sea, take a dangerous step that will make you shout, “Lord, help me!” The joy in walking by faith is that there is no cause for alarm. When the storm threatens to drown you and you are at your wit’s end, cry unto God, “Lord, help me!”
Regardless of the situation which your step of faith has led you into, you can never drown if you have enough faith to call upon God to rescue you. Peter took a step of faith and walked on water to meet Jesus, but when he encountered the storm, he became afraid and started to sink. He then cried: “Lord, help me!” Jesus quickly reached out for his hand and rescued him.
Friend, never be afraid to take a step forward. Understand that you may fail many times before you finally succeed. Understand also that when you take a step of faith, you will encounter trials that will shake your faith, but never lose hope to the extent that you cannot call upon God to help you.
In spite of your fears, take a step of faith and expect the raging storm to come. It will not drown you. AND IF LIKE PETER YOU CANNOT CALM THE STORM, JUST CRY UNTO GOD TO HELP YOU. 
And until I come your way soon, go and cultivate faith that will ginger you to take a step forward!
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